ANOTHER snowy day....
Well, we no sooner got all caught up from last week's storm, and we get another one today. Yup, it's winter in New England. Today's snow wasn't quite as much as the last one, and this evening, it has turned into sleet and rain, and should be ending before the morning. Maybe this is less snow, but it's heavier and therefore, moving it-- is a job.

Ed had some business work that had to be done, so it was up to me to get things done around the farm. I had to get some wood brought inside, with the sleet and rain coming, if we lose power, the woodstove will need to be chugging in good shape (though we do have a generator too). After my "wood work" I wanted to get the barn in order. The horses will be kept inside tonite.... they were already inside... but these "snowy" butts are proof they had been out...
actually, they don't mind being out. It still amazes me how the snow just sits on their backs and doesn't melt. They have a great time playing together....
and racing thru the field....

But, a clean stall with fresh water and a meal of green sweet hay... they decide that coming in, isn't such a bad idea at all....

and everyone will be tucked inside, safe and sound while the storm finishes up.. tomorrow.. will be another day of clean up work.. because the next storm is "scheduled" for Friday...... when is it spring????
I love all of your pictures! Especially the one you're using as your new header! Just beautiful! :o)
I know that feeling...I'm ready for Spring too! I've even bought flower seeds. Can't wait! :o)
The horses are the one where they are running !!cynway
Absolutely LOVE the prints!!!! Your turning into a great photographer with the subjects you love.
Great shots Sue! Love those!
Sue those are beautiful pictures of your horses! I find it interesting too that the snow doesn't melt off them but just piles up. Mine are such wimps, they like to come in after a couple of hours out in the snow. They can come in the indoor arena until it's time to come in for supper. Kipper is my snow baby, he likes it outside the best of them all.
Looks like we are going to get hit with snow again on Wednesday, are you going to get it down your way?
Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby!
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