We had a bit of "excitement" on the farm yesterday. Sadie woke up and looked out the window to see Tonka and Duke standing in the front yard. NOT in the pasture... in the yard. They had taken down the fence and were wondering about just as they pleased. It wasn't any trick to "catch" them.. walk towards the barn and yell "let's eat" and you can get two draft horses moving quickly. Silver, Mocha and Kringle were still "inside" and didn't discover the fence being down. So, the first thing .. Ed and I went out and got that fence put back.

The rest of the afternoon, I found the horse sunning themselves... almost as though they knew we had weather on the way... maybe they did....

This morning, we woke to this... REAL SNOW!! Howling winds, snow drifts that were "feet" high.. a real New England snow day.

Ed had a bit of time just breaking the driveway open....

This is what you could call a "white out" for sure.. I can't even see the end of the driveway...

If you look very closely.. Ed is in the picture.. plowing... maybe getting a white truck wasn't such a good idea.

Ginger had a grand time when I put the dogs out this am. The cockers were not so impressed.. they "did their business" and came right back in. At least I had a dog yard this morning.. by night fall, my entire fence (which is only three feet high) is "gone".. totally covered by the snow. So.. guess the doggies will be going out the front door for a bit... you'd think that Ginger would break some paths for the little guys, but she can't be bothered.

This was "yesterday".. our down fence. I think what happened was Tonka was reaching over the fence to get a bit of grass, and just took it down. With today's snow.. there won't be any "tempting" grass on the other side of the fence... fortunately it didn't take us long to put it back. We kept the horses locked inside until we were back in business....

And when we let them out, they ran right to where the fence was down.. who says horses aren't smart and don't' remember....
Silver - "hey Tonka, look at this.. they put the fence back!!!"
Tonka - "ya, I see.. it's just no fair"...
Hopefully, the fence is still there, with this snow, I don't know if we can even see that.. guess I'll find out in the morning!!!!
Thats funny, we had loose horses tuesday morning too! Must have been in the air! Love gingers snow nose~ boy is she a cutie!
I love the pictures of Tonka and Duke, Sue! They look so handsome and shiny with their thick winter coats! And Ginger with the snow on her face is too cute! Glad the boys were good and stayed in the yard! =]
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