Well, this HAS to be a good sign. I am beginning to see my garden horse once again. We have had some "almost" spring days, and it's amazing how quickly the snow will drop with just a bit of warmth and some sunshine. I know we aren't out of the woods yet with this "winter thing".. but even big storms now don't stay around that long. Another month or so.. we're getting closer.

One thing that has been so great about this house is the sunshine. All afternoon we get the sun shinning in the living room. It makes it warm and cozy and there are plenty of spots to take those cat (dog) naps in. During the evenings, we fire up the "little" stove and we're all nice and snug.

Abbie has been into all sorts of new games. This one being "ghost" I guess. She found one of Sadie's scarfs and draped it over her head and ran all about. She would run up to you, grab your leg and when we sounded "scared", she laughed and laughed and ran to the next person.

She is just so much fun at the this age, and everyday that she is here with us I count as one of the greatest blessings in my life. She is also doing so many different things with "walking"... she walks backwards, on her tip toes, walks with her arms behind her back.. all sorts of ways.. it is so funny to watch her!!!!

And if Abbie isn't entertaining enough.. there's always Ginger. She tears through this house like a whirlwind and is always picking up something. Which, for a service dog, is a good trait. But she has a real thing about Abbie's slinky.... and anytime she can find that, she is one happy girl. I have been doing work with her back pack, and she hardly knows it's there when she can play with the slinky. I think I'm going to have to get Abbie a new slinky and let Ginger keep this one!!!!

I have a project going right now... a little baby quilt. A friend of mine is having her baby at the end of the week - a little boy - so I wanted to get a quilt done for her. (actually as this blog is written, the quilt is complete and ready to be taken to my friend). I'm pretty pleased with the way it came out, I think she will like it.

Ah.. bacon!!! a favorite of mine!!!! We have it almost every Sunday, from the pig that my sister raised. I can't even begin to tell you how yummy this is, our bacon is getting low and I am going to be so sad when we run out of it!!!

And fresh eggs... the "girls" are laying again and we are getting 4 to 7 eggs a day. So far we can keep up with them, but I am sure that I will be looking for "homes" for those fresh eggs.... so if anyone would like a dozen or so, just let me know!!!!!

Oh.. and my steamer!!! you know "they" always tell the menfolk never to give appliance type things to their wives for Christmas. Well, Ed and I have never followed that rule and I have received many appliance type gifts and have loved them all. But this year, Ed gave me a steamer (I told him I thought one would be nice)... just with all our hardwood and tile floors I thougth this would be a good idea. Well, let me tell you.. I love this silly thing. I even enjoy steaming the floors. And it's great for keeping up with puppy prints, spilled juice from Abbie's cup or whatever. The floors stay looking great and it's so easy to use. So, if you've thought of steamer, I say get one!!!
I've been using my parent's steamer for a while now. Since I hate moping, this is so much easier and faster. I like your model better. My parents is kind of bulking since it is an older model.
And I love your baby quilt! You did a beautiful job! I've thought about taking up a quilting class just b/c my grandmother used to make the most beautiful quilts. And I'd like to see if it would be something I would be interested in doing. Until then, I'll just enjoy looking at the ones you post. :o)
Great Blog Sue this has everything!
ooooh. ive always wanted a steam mop, but had wondered about what they did to hardwood... sound slike its safe! Now if we could only get the floors refinished it would be worth keeping them nice!
Sounds like you have been keeping busy~ bring spring on!
I hate to admit it but my mouth is watering looking at the picture of that bacon! I haven't had any since my parents went back to Florida in October as Dad is the one that cooks it!!! I am SO ready for bacon and eggs!
Speaking of eggs I am thinking about getting a few chickens. Do you keep them in the barn with the horses? Is that enough heat or do they need heat lamps in the wintertime?
That looks like such a wonderful sunny spot for a nap!!!!!!
Yes it is such a blessing to have our grandchildren so close by. Mine are here a lot and I wouldn't miss a minute of it. So what if the house is a mess when they go home, there will be many years when I will wish they were still young enough to be hear tearing through the house. Abbie looks so cute with the scarf on her head!!
Your quilt is so nice! I bet the recipient will be so happy with it! I love making baby quilts, for one reason they work up so fast and then I can go onto something else! :o)
I have a lot of hardwood too so I may have to go get one of those steamers. What brand is yours? I wouldn't have a clue which one to get when I walk into the store.
Glad I wasn't the only one put off by that birthday show. I kept thinking of all we could do at the humane society with that much money! No wonder some kids are spoiled brats and think the world owes them everything! What ever happened to a birthday cake and Pin The Tail On The Donkey? Guess I'd better not get going again! HA!!!
Great post!
Love the pictures sue.
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