She also needed a "sick" horse, so Ol' Silver got picked for that one... Dusty even created "snots" for his nose!!! Which was kind of "icky", but really fun...
After our modeling session, we got to work on the chores. Abbie came up to the barn to supervise. She loves the chickens (and can make a great chicken sound when you ask her to). I think she likes them because they are small and will run when she goes towards them. But she did want Sadie to hold one for her so she could pet it.
Then, she wanted to help with chores. So, we gave her a little fork and let her spread the shavings. She thought this was a great idea, and so do I.... might as well get her started on chores early... I might end up with a barn fairy afterall....
Guineas!!!! well, there's a story all to itself. Sunday I opened the coop to water and feed the birds, and they had plotted against me... and made a great escape. Now, I don't blame them for wanting out..it's been a long winter, so I thought - fine, go out. Well, Mr. G. had other ideas and when the rooster stepped outside of the coop, we had a massive bird fight. Now, I know how to handle dogs.. and I have even broken up a few horse squabble... but birds... they are serious!!!! I had to use the rake between them and did manage to get the rooster back into the coop... Mr. G was having a complete fit!!!! Course, getting the rooster in, meant the guineas were out, and I can't get the guinea in without opening the coop, and then worried about the rooster. So, for the past couple of days, the guineas have been out. Now, they are talking about a storm coming in on Friday, so somehow, between now and then, we have to come up with a game plan to get the guineas back inside..... drama on the farm for sure....
Great pics Sadie... and see Sue those Birds are a fuss...
What a fun day on the farm!
Sounds like a bunch of fun to me! Does this Dusty have a website? Being an amateur photographer myself, I would love to see some more of her professional work. :o)
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