Saturday evening, the senior group in our town hosted a corn beef and cabbage supper as a fund raiser, and held it at town hall. Now, I'm not one for corn beef and cabbage (or bean suppers either for that matter), but there's just something about joining in on a "town event".. so we went. I thought there was a pretty good crowd, ( I heard later, that they were pretty disappointed in the numbers.) and of course, there were lots of folks there that we know.

I brought Ginger along, she - like Chester - is getting to be pretty well known around town, and so much so, that where ever I go, people ask "where's your golden". This was the first time she attended a public dinner, and I think some of the folks were surprised to see how well behaved she was. She snuggled under the table, and you never even knew she was there.

After we ate, and a number of the people had gone along, I did "allow" her to do some visiting. To a golden, there is nothing better in the world than someone paying attention to you.
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