Look at these two in the back seat of the truck. How lucky are they to be able to see so much of each other. Kathleen and I agree, raising littermates has been so much fun. We keep hoping that we might meet Clover one of these trips, who is the "other sister"... I always try to ask how she is doing, and we might get to meet her one day soon.

If Ginger were to have a "fault" it would probably be loud noises. She's not really afraid, but it would be nice to have her a bit more confident. A few weeks ago, I had a great opportunity to work her around some loud noises... firetrucks to be exact.

Our local school was having a dedication. The principal of the school passed away last year after a battle with cancer. I did not know him personally, but I understand he was dearly loved by the staff and students. He was also a firefighter, and so.. in his honor.. the school put this little "firetruck" up on the playground. They decided to have an assembly to remember their beloved principal and dedicate this to him, so our fire company took a couple of trucks over for the big event.

These are just the things that I look for to "work" Ginger at. While the assembly was going on, she laid quietly at my feet, even with the clapping of the kids... and the blaring of the sirens from the firetrucks.. she was such a good girl.

After the ceremony, the kids were let loose to play for awhile. A whole "mob" of kids came running over to Ginger and I wanting to give her hugs and kisses.. somewhere in this pile of little girls, there is a golden retriever who is loving it all....
You know... we only have four more check-in's at NEADs... and we'll be looking at "turn in time"... it's going by way too fast!!!!
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