So, Sunday, instead of getting our outside work done, we packed up and went to see the New Hampshire Wool Festival. I knew that some of the events would be outside, but most of the wares are "inside" and we figured that when it poured, we would just duck inside. Pour - it did - at times!!!!

But the barns were warm and cozy and had some wonderful things to look at - and to buy. Despite the weather, it was fairly busy, but then, not so busy so you could really look at things and have a chance to chat with the vendors who were there.

Lots of yarn goods, lots of folks at their spinning wheels and many hand made items. All sorts of ideas to make...

Like these wonderful nesting balls. Basically take the scraps from your projects, place them in a twine ball and allow the birds to take bits and pieces to make their nests.

I would have loved to buy ones of these little baskets, the workmanship was amazing.....

We talked with many folks about "fiber animals", fencing, and the like. When Abbie got bored with all the big people talking, she liked to stand at the edge and watch the rain run off the roof.

Fortunately "Grampy" was there to aid in the carrying department. And hot food and drink kept us warm enough - though certainly not "dry"

It was so much fun to see all the animals - and even some babies.... this is a Jacob sheep.

And we even "found" some Leicester Longwool sheep - which are the sheep that you see around Colonial Williamsburg, and are a "rare breed". Actually this breed of sheep is still around because of Colonial Williamsburg, they managed to save them before they became extinct. (would love to have a couple of them on the farm!!!)

Abbie liked the bunnies best of all, I think because of their small size.
We saw Sarah there (from our local yarn shop) she reported that even with the very rainy weather, it had a been a good weekend for them. And it certainly was something fun to do.

Seems we have some guests here on the farm. I don't know if the bad weather has them staying put, or if they just like the looks of the place...
1 comment:
Oh-h-h I'm so glad you got to go this year (even if I didn't!) It looks like it was great fun.
Hey, if you want a couple of Jacob sheep (for free!) I know a couple who are looking for a good home for their 2 female Jacobs. Of course, it would mean a trip to upstate NY. (smile and wink!)
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