Not too far from the farm is a museum called "Willowbrook Village". Basically, it is one man's collection of "old things".. and over the years, it has grown into a wonderful collection of items. Sadly, because it's "off the beaten" path, many people - including local folks - don't know it's there, or just never think of going. But that really is sad, because there is much to see and they have great events that go on all the time.

A few weeks ago, we were invited to an "open house/membership drive" at Willowbrook. At first we hadn't planned on going, but when "bad" weather changed our plans, we decided to head over and see what it was all about. I have been to Willowbrook, but it was a long time ago, and I was surprised to see it again.

It holds a lot of historic information from the area and many items that are native. I loved seeing old photos... for example this one...
There wasn't any "snow plows".. all the roads were "rolled".... so the sleighs could be used...

Here's the "roller". Can you imagine going out with a team and running over the roads with this???

There is a grand collections of buggies and sleighs... in fact, they had to build a special building just for them.

I really enjoyed seeing them.....

This is the Fire Chief's wagon... I said to Ed, I could just see him hitching one of the drafts and pulling up to the fire scene with this!!!!!

but, I think they're greatest piece is the carousel !!!
It was built at the turn of the century (the last century that is) and was actually considered "portable". It was taken to the local fairs and set up much like the rides are today. It ran on a steam engine and goes 6 miles an hour... which is pretty fast!!!!

The horses rock back and forth on their own (due to the speed)... and they are beautiful. There are 24 of them.. they all have horse hair tails.. glass eyes and no two are alike. the carousel was donated by the family that owned it (and had taken it places...) when it came to Willowbrook, it was "all there" but in pretty bad shape, and took them several years to restore. Now, they offer rides once a month.. and I want to be sure I get back there sometime this summer to take that ride.

They have a picture of the carsol at a local fair. I think the date was 1911.... it was pretty neat to see.

The round Shaker style barn houses the carousel. There is much to see, including a nice sandwich shoppe.. so if you have the liking... head over to Willowbrook..
their website address is
take a peek.
what a neat place... ive never heard of it before... but i bet bill has! Ill put it on our summer to-do list!
I remember going here as a kid oh so very long ago. It's great to hear that it's still open. Maybe I'll take my kids when we're in Maine again. Thanks for bringing back a happy memory.
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