Ginger and Leo are always happy to see each other and spend time together......

And "Otis, it's all about the RED cape... isn't that right Joe".....

Abbie explains all about puppy raising to Rick and Otis, afterall she is on her second puppy, and this is just Rick's first....

What brought us all together was the dock dog diving event. This new sport is becoming a big hit across the county. In fact, I saw a number of dogs there that I knew personally.... this is Hydro... he belongs to our friend Wayne (and yes Hydro also does flyball, so perhaps you have seen him before)... it would seem that Hydro is waiting patiently for his turn, but close up, he was all a quiver!!!!

The idea.... ask your dog to run and jump off the dock and see just how far he can go before he hits the water....

Any kind of dog can do it.. this beautiful white shepherd belongs to my friend Shirley. You can see that the diving pool is measured and each dog jumps earning points towards their titles. There were a lot of dogs diving that day... I keep telling Kas and Nate they should enter their Charlie dog... he loves to jump off the dock at camp....

After our day of doggies, we headed home to the farm. Abbie got some new barn boots and she couldn't wait to try them out. What simple joy... new boots and big mud puddle... reminds me that sometimes just the "simple" things can be the most fun.

It's been way too long since the big guys were harnessed... time just gets by me. So, with such a beautiful evening, we decided to hitch Tonka and give him a try. He went perfectly... now if I can only make time to do more of this.....

We thought it would be fun to let Abbie have a try on Kringle. So, we got him saddled and put Abbie on. As I pretty much figured, she thought it was great!!!!

"Mom... I don't need to hold on.... see????"

He was very sweet and good with her, and she wasn't one bit afraid... maybe we do have a future horseman!!!

The idea.... ask your dog to run and jump off the dock and see just how far he can go before he hits the water....

Any kind of dog can do it.. this beautiful white shepherd belongs to my friend Shirley. You can see that the diving pool is measured and each dog jumps earning points towards their titles. There were a lot of dogs diving that day... I keep telling Kas and Nate they should enter their Charlie dog... he loves to jump off the dock at camp....

After our day of doggies, we headed home to the farm. Abbie got some new barn boots and she couldn't wait to try them out. What simple joy... new boots and big mud puddle... reminds me that sometimes just the "simple" things can be the most fun.

It's been way too long since the big guys were harnessed... time just gets by me. So, with such a beautiful evening, we decided to hitch Tonka and give him a try. He went perfectly... now if I can only make time to do more of this.....

We thought it would be fun to let Abbie have a try on Kringle. So, we got him saddled and put Abbie on. As I pretty much figured, she thought it was great!!!!

"Mom... I don't need to hold on.... see????"

He was very sweet and good with her, and she wasn't one bit afraid... maybe we do have a future horseman!!!
Sounds like a great day to me~ Abbie is one lucky little girlie!
Your right, cant get much better than that!
You must have been tiered though...
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