So, you all know our friends, Kelli and Rick. Well, Rick knows Marj and Joe. He met Marj at a therapy dog weekend that he was attending with his boxer Mindy. Marj attended the same weekend, training with her boxer Bob. And when Marj and Rick got to talking, turned out they knew many of the same folks. Marj keeps a blog as well, so Rick told her about my blog. When she popped on and saw "this horse" - a horse that she knew!!!!! She had been riding at the same stable where I had sent Tonka for training. She could hardly believe that this was the same one!!! She sent me a note and asked if it really was Tonka, and from there, we were blog friends!! I pop onto her blog (daily) and see what she is up to. We haven't really had the chance to chat much and always talked about getting together sometime soon.

Well, I sort of felt "soon" wasn't happening. So, I came up with a date and asked everyone to come and have dinner together... which we did last night. It was GREAT fun, and the more we all talked, the more we found that our lives have been running parallel all along. example --- Marj's hubby Joe, graduated from the same school that Ed and I did, but he really grew up in the same town that Rick did. When Marj moved out this way, she worked with many people that I knew and knew a huge number of the same people, the stories went back and forth all night long. Tonka was only one small piece of all the connections.
Now Marj works at a vet clinic which as offered to sponsor Otis, Rick's new NEADS puppy... and her boxer Bob, was a puppy that my good friend (Tina) dog's had had. It just goes on and on. When you actually try to wrap your brain around it, you can't... and you just have to give it up and call it... God's plan. And for me, adding new friends to my life is such a blessing...
So, for this one evening full of fun, and the promise of many other adventures to come... I am very grateful....and still slightly amazed.
It is Amazing and Fun all at the same Time!!!
Joe and I are amazed as well, we are all so fortunate and blessed.
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