The next morning the day was much warmer (of course)... the loons were up early... saying hello to everyone.

Abbie began her day with bananas, and then went to be with her Daddy.

Since it was so warm, and the lake was beautiful, i thought I would see what Ginger thought of swimming. At first she wasn't so sure, but decided that if I was going to be in the water... then she was too. I can't say she really swam, but at least she got in and paddled about.

That evening, we thought it would be fun to head to the city and see the fireworks. I love fireworks, but often avoid them because of the crowds. This year I thought it might be good for Ginger to go and we would handle the crowds together. We met up with Kelli and Rick, who brought their Mindy and Otis along as well.

For the most part, Ginger did fairly well with the fireworks. But just before the grand finale.. I did walk her back to the truck. She had done well, and I didn't want to push it too much. Otis did perfectly fine, in fact, I think he dozed thru much of them... he is such a laid back fellow....

Abbie did pretty well too... we brought some ear protection for her, which she wore part of the time... once she figured out how pretty they were, she had a grand time watching them. Nice to see that a first time experience went so well...
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