What's that old saying?? "the best laid plans".... seems a fitting way to describe this year's plans for the fair . First off, I wasn't able to take Mocha, to the mini show --- our little dog Hunter has been fighting an ear infection, and Friday morning when we got up, he was not feeling well. That meant a trip to the vet, turned out he needed a change of meds, and I was glad that I took him in. THEN the threat of a hurricane, which at first seemed like it was going to either fizzle out, or head out to sea... but it took a different path and it's eye is on Maine!!
Now, our friends MaryEllen and Jack were suppose to have a nice weekend away, but with this hurricane on it's way. They decided they better cancel their plans.... when I heard that, I offered them our cottage on the lake.. that way, they didn't have to go too far from home, but could still get a little time away. And with the fair going on, I thought it might be a nice time for them... happily for me, they took me up on my offer. So, even though Mocha didn't show, I have a doggie that is feeling better and guests as well..... not a bad "trade"

We took Ginger to the fair and met up with Otis and with Joe!!! (hard getting a picture of black dogs at dusk).... and we had a great time taking them around. (when we weren't stopping to talk to "everyone")

I didn't get anything done to enter in the fair this year which is a first, usually I can get some cross stitch or quilting thing done, but not this year. However, my square was in the fair quilt. This year's theme had been "meet me at the beach" There were some great blocks....

The crowds were a bit on the small size, I guess with this hurricane coming, people were getting ready instead of going to the fair. But we had a great time and it was so much fun to have MaryEllen and Jack joining us. Kas and Nate also trekked up, they had planned on staying all weekend, but again with the hurricane warnings, they stayed just one night.

Saturday morning, our family and friends headed for home... but the hurricane was moving slower than predicted.. so, we were able to sneak another evening in at the fair. Abbie loved all the animals....

Ginger schmoozed the folks......

and was very interested in the horse pulling contest.....

As was Abbie!!!!
It was also decided by the fair officials that the fair would shut down a day early, and by 10:00 PM Saturday night, people were packing up and heading for home... too bad it got cut short...but better safe than sorry and good to have people and animals safely in their homes before the storm hits.
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