Remember all that pretty work that was done in the back yard?? All the piles gone, and the earth nicely formed and waiting for grass seed? well...
I HATE thunderstorms.. I am AFRAID of thunderstorms, and I'm so good at it that I put that fear into my children and my dogs!!! Just when I think I am getting better at handling them, one comes along and reminds me of how afraid I am... like the one that blew threw on Friday.
I could hear it coming, hours before it got here. Now, we do live in a very quiet place, and I am used to hearing sounds that are really far away, but can be heard because it is so quiet. But when I was at work and could here this thunder, I knew we were in for it.

And "it" came. Just as I pulled into the driveway.. the heavens opened and Ginger and I were stuck in the truck. I parked a mere three feet from the door, but with it raining so hard, I knew I would be soaked just trying to cover those few feet, so we waited. WRONG idea, the rain came in sheets, the wind very strong and the lightening... EVERYWHERE. I kept my cool, until the HAIL.... Ed wasn't home.. so I called him on the cell, just to talk and keep me from totally freaking out.

There were several close strikes. I sat for a while, and when one big strike was super close. I decided that I was going to simply get wet, because I wanted in!!!! I ran, so did Ginger, and it looked like we had a bucket of water thrown over our heads. But, I was glad to be inside.. Camille was a total wreck, and hard to believe it really rained and hailed after that. I got brave enough to shoot a couple of pics out the back, as I watched our yard turn into rivers.

Nice little pile of hail.. don't you think??? The other thing was, this storm hung in there for a while... certainly not a quick blow threw.... but was I ever glad when it was over.
It "ruined" my evening plans of heading to the home town to have supper with Kas and Nate.... it ruined our yard work - which can be repaired...
and saddest of all, it ruined the apple crops which had been predicted to be one of the best years in a long time.
On top of that, our house (or somewhere close) was hit, it blew out the computers (fortunately the lap top is wireless so that one is OK)... it blew out the transformer for the cable, and one circut in the house. (which Ed has spent hours looking for the source of the trouble). All considered, I guess we came thur OK
but at this point, I'm almost ready for snow!!!!
Wow Sue- we could hear it over your way... but we got very little over on this side of town!
Sue I'm right there with you! Didn't sleep for two nights, I have the same fear. Darn I was just thinking we were going to have a great apple season. I AM ready for snow!
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