It would seem that Ginger sensed the day ahead was going to be a special one. When we arrived at the Four Points Sheraton for the NEADS fall graduation, she had this look on her face as I took her out of the car. I hate to think a year ahead... but chances are, next fall graduation will be all about Ginger... however, this year....

It's all about Mike and Chester!!!! And here they are, I haven't seen Chester since last April when we had the meet and greet at the NEADS campus and I got to meet Mike for the first time, and see "our" Chester once again. I have kept in touch with Mike via facebook, so I know that he and Chester have really hit it off... but to see in in "real life"... was just so wonderful.

And for the second time, I had the great pleasure of once again, seeing "my" graduating service dog and "my" service puppy in training together again. This is truly a rare moment, seldom do puppy raisers have the chance to see two of their puppies together. They really seemed to like each other.

Abbie came along with us - as well as Kass and Nate (Ed was there of course)... sadly Sadie had to work. Abbie was thrilled to see all the dogs, especially the ones that she knows well. She doesn't remember Chester.. but she sure did like him.

The first event of graduation... getting the photo. This is done by a professional and the pictures he captures are always great. I thought it was so fun watching how they "do it"... the NEADS trainers help set up the dogs...

and here is my "sneak" photo of the professionals. (That's Chester sitting in the middle of the top row)... And when you can get 21 dogs to all sit together and "smile" for the photo.. now that's a feat!!!!

Abbie was such a good girl during all the speeches, Kass kept her well entertained. Here Abbie shares a book with "uncle Rick"... while waiting for the graduation to begin.

This is Gerry - the CEO of NEADS. He has just completed his first year, and from what we heard in the annual meeting, overall NEADS had a pretty good year. The economy hasn't been very helpful to anyone this year, but non profits have been hit quite hard. NEADS due to excellent guidance had come threw the year in a "not so bad" way. It's good to know that this organization that does so much, is doing "well"

If there is any question about "does Chester like being a service dog".. well all I can say is... you can see it in his face. This dog smiled the whole afternoon......

You can tell he is well loved and that Mike thinks the world of him

The first group of graduates where the combat veterans. Among them.. our friend Russ and his dog Joe..... (first ones in line)

Russ was pretty nervous getting up in front of everyone. But he gave a nice speech and was so proud to tell everyone about Joe and what a great summer they have had together. Russ and Joe were in the same training class that Mike and Chester were in... that's how we met....

Russ might have been nervous, but Joe took it all in stride. I guess being a service dog.. you're just used to all kinds of attention....

Service dogs were the next group on stage... that was Mike and Chester. Mike spoke a few words as well.... Chester looks like "so what else is new"... the calmness these dogs have are one of the greatest gifts to the owners.

This is a nice photo... Mike and Chester, and the pretty lady in red.. that's Karen, she was Chester's sponsor (and loved meeting me when we were at events) and the gentleman beside her, is her friend.. it was his dog who's name was Chester and she named "our Chester" after his beloved Chester... a good name carries on...

After all the ceremonies and speeches, there was some time for a few more photos (I can't even count how many I took). But I wanted to get one photo of Abbie with Chester, since she will be too little to remember when we had him, or this day, I wanted something that she would have to look at one day. I love how Chester is all cuddled beside Mike, he is definitely his dog. (and Ginger is cuddled in with me).....

One last kiss and hug, and it's goodbye. Not likely I will see Chester again-- and I was pretty thrilled that just after this photo, Chester reached up and gave me a big (wet) kiss. The chapter has come to a complete close.. Mike and Chester head off onto their lives together.. Ginger and I enjoy the last few weeks together.. and the service puppy raising continues....
"my very best wishes to my golden boy and Mike... I hope your days together are long and happy".....
What a wonderful post. Chester captured my heart during my brief visit to Maine. I'm so glad he has such a great match. Moxie's gift has truly been a gift to those two!
A black lab pup is coming to visit this afternoon. Possibly to become Marc's dog. We're praying about the situation for Marc and the therapeutic benefits of having his own dog. I'll keep you posted.
Oh my goodness, I am almost in tears!!! What a wonderful thing you do raising these dogs to be companions to those that need them so badly! Loved all the pictures!!!
I had never seen those bridles before and was totally intrigued by them. Next time we are in NY I will have to check and see if that's what they use. I'm going to the Tucker website and see what they cost, I bet they are expensive!
Awesome awesome awesome and wiping tears away.
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