It was kind of hard to think "Halloween" between the snow and our company, but it came. In the "old home town" trick or treat is done on October 30th - we called it Beggar's night. Sadie had always planned on taking Abbie down for a bit of trick or treating... but due to the snow... Beggar's night was postponed until Halloween night. So, she met at Kassy's and the three of them went out to a few houses. I had to work,so I missed out on that fun, but I guess Abbie really "got into it" and would pound on the door and yell "trick or treat"....

Her costume this year.... a frog. We are still wondering where that came from. Sadie began to ask her back in September what she wanted to be for Halloween. Every single time the answer was the same... a frog.

All of us began to search high and low, and we weren't having much luck. One evening after we had been to dinner, I went into a local material/craft store and saw they had kids' costumes 60% off. Ed and I went thru each one, and we came across a dinosaur. I looked it over and thought that if I took off the teeth, I might be able to make it look "frog-like". Then I noticed on the floor a big pile of costumes.. so I began to dig threw them and would you know... there was ONE frog left, and it was Abbie's size!!!! Perfect!!!
(God wink) so, she got to be a frog!!!

Now Ginger was on her puppy swap and was spending Halloween with Linda. They were having a costume contest at Cabela's.. so nothing doing.. Linda dressed Ginger up as a hula gal. As you can see - from this photo- Ginger took it all in stride....

One thing that NEADS suggests is that we get the puppies around "costumed people".. Ginger certainly got that exposure this year!!!

She snuggled with everyone. As it turns out, there was a prize being offered for "best costume" and it was done by vote. Linda emailed me this evening... Ginger won!!!!
Halloween turned out to be rather fun this year.. we certainly got "tricked" by the weather and "treat" by the fun...
Happy Halloween everyone!!!
1 comment:
i love that frog... i saw a kiddo in sanford with it on, and loved it then too! Very cute~ one of my faves this year!
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