Not that we haven't ever had "snowy" Thanksgiving, but when I got up this am to get the turkey in... the sunrise looked more like a Christmas morning than a Thanksgiving. Fortunately it wasn't that cold and this snow - like Halloween's- will probably be gone in a few days.

It was windy, and even though this snow was pretty wet and heavy, it still blew around some. The view from the barn doors looks so cold and winter like.

We had a pretty quiet Thanksgiving, just the kids. Abbie couldn't wait for Tee Tee to arrive and watched at the windows all morning long. We tired to get her to watch the "balloons" on the TV, but that only kept her interest a short time.. she wanted Tee Tee..and then we found out "why"... according to Abbie "Tee Tee play outside with Abbie"
1 comment:
Looks like the Perfect Thanksging to me...
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