Christmas morning, and in the few quiet moments, with a warm cup of coffee.. I sit and look at the beautiful tree with it's bounty beneath and I remember how truly blessed I am. I say thank you to God, for sending His Son to save us and promise us a home forever in Heaven... and I say thank you for the amazing family that I have been blessed with and humbly think of all the blessings that surround me. And I pray too for those who don't know our Lord, and ask that they might come to understand the real meaning of Christmas.. and wish to all my "readers" blessings for this day and the new year that is ahead...

Abbie dug into her stocking... it kept her busy until Tee Tee and Krunkle could arrive. Hunter was most interested in what she found in that stocking as well......

And soon, "my" house was filled with kids... and for a Mom, there is nothing better in the world than that. (Thank you Kas and Nate....)

and she became the expert at opening.. and gave advise to everyone on how it is done!!!!!!

The house is a mess and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are our girls..............

Nate is a huge Lego fan... so I picked up a couple of little "projects" for him to "play with"

Uncle Bill joined us as well... and after presents, we had a great family breakfast... then everyone was off... Kas and Nates' to Dave and Deb's... Abbie off to her Dad... Bill to friends and us to my folks....
but the morning is a treasure that I will always keep
We had a wonderful lunch, visit and more presents with my folks, sisters and their families. The day was relaxed and such fun. I love Christmas when it isn't rushed around....

My Mom, niece, and sisters......

Naomi got this cute little puppy and thought it looked just like Ginger... and so it does... and now, Auntie Sue has to make a cape and gentle leader so that Naomi can begin to work with "her service puppy".....
And then Christmas was over, and real life will creep back in... but we'll have these magical hours to keep forever.
it sounds like a wonderful day!
Oh-h-h I'm so excited that you and Sadie have a wheel and are learning to spin!
The love in your family shows in each picture...what a blessed family you are.
Happy New Year, my friends!
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