Well.... there was so much going on today, it was hard to even come up with a "title" for this blog.. so, I guess I might as well include everything. This coming Thursday is our monthly check in with Dave - and even though Kathleen, Bernice and I don't have puppies, we'll still go down.. not just because we always have a good time, but also.... it's Dave's birthday that day.
When we heard that last month, we all decided that we wanted to do something fun on his birthday. Now, we know that Dave loves lobster and never really has the chance to get it. So, Rick said he could get some lobsters for Dave from a fishing friend, and then I said, well, if we were getting lobsters for Dave, we should get some for all of us. So, today, the Maine puppy chapter got together for a lobster bake (in the middle of winter).
Rick arrived threw the door... more than ready to begin the party... or feast, which ever you want to call it.......
I guess their Mom's never told them NOT to play with their food!~!!!!!
Abbie still isn't quite so sure that these "things" are really meant to be eaten. But at least this time, she didn't run away in fear!!!!!
"Hey Dave, THIS will be part of your birthday present come Thursday --- and you don't even know".....
The cooking crew had to bundle up well... I do have to say, I think lobster bakes are easier in the summer time....
but, Ed was happy to man the grill ( we had steak and chicken too - because some of "us" aren't lobster eaters!!! ) Can't imagine that......
Rick manned the lobsters......
Not so sure what was "that funny", but this is a great picture of my Ed and Kathleen.......
Oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let's get eating.......
Rick and Bernice are still trying to tell Abbie that "yes, you really can eat them!!!"
Funny how quiet it become when the food is ready......
and the football fans didn't stray too far from the TV......
So.. our lobster bake, football, birthday party was great fun, and very filling.... it was a good way to begin another winter week.
And Thursday, we bring some lobster meat to Dave, and have a training/birthday check-in at NEADS.
(oh ya... the Partriots did win and they're heading to the Super Bowl... another party????)
Oh, that's just not nice--Showing lobster in January!!! Well, I'll forgive you...this time. ;-D It looks like everyone had a great time, and I'm sure Dave appreciated his birthday surprise.
Happy belated Birthday to Ed. Lucky guy...those lobster looked fabulous.
Those lobsters look SOOOOOOOOO good! I am drooling all over my keyboard, will probably have to dry it out! Great pictures of everyone with their lobsters and the one of your Hubby laughing, very nice! We're getting snow, rain and now freezing rain here, what 'cha getting down there?
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