Our trucks were in great need of oil changes, so last week, Ed and I took them. We have them serviced at the garage we bought them from... they have to be the nicest people ever there!!! and we will continue to buy all our vehicles from them and have them serviced there. Actually I am on the hunt for a new vehicle... we are looking at the Durango's. I love my truck, but it's almost 10 years old, and it really doesn't suit me as well anymore. When we had to board the horses, I was doing a lot of "carrying of things".. like saddles, grain, shavings, etc.. the Durango I had at the time wasn't really suited for that sort of thing... so, I got a truck. Now that the horses are settled and I don't carry that any more... I now carry extra dogs (often meeting my boarding clients to save them some travel time).. extra people (especially when we visit NEADS) and of course --- grand baby... and I'm back to thinking a Durango would be a better choice again. AND I do have Ed's truck to use for the grain runs and such... so.....we're waiting for the new ones to begin turning in and will take it from there..
but, I've gone a bit off track from my blog. Aside from the "wicked nice" folks at the Dodge garage, they also offer this "service"...
which really pleases me, because there are many places that wouldn't hear of this. I love bringing my dogs with me... Camille is so excited when she gets to go.. and of course, great place to work a service puppy.
I didn't bring Norton this trip (we were actually going to breakfast while we waited for the trucks) but Camille was more than happy to tag along. She always gets cookies there and lots of attention... just her thing. And I promise - friends at the garage - you will get to meet Norton one of these days....
Speaking of which, he is doing quite well. Church is beginning to be routine (as well as classes) and he is quite the popular guy there. One lady told me that she is already saving money so "when he doesn't pass the program - he can be mine" (she is madly in love with him). But I told her not to hold her breath... this boy has a very good chance of "passing" I feel.
Remember my goal.. by the end of the month all the divided lights for the windows will be painted and in place....
Well... I'm in good shape, and this will happen. In fact I have only three windows to finish and it will all be done. There actually are several other house projects are that being completed this month... it's looking good....
Rick brought us a nice load of wood the other day. This is NEXT year's wood!!!! Which really excites me because #1. we didn't use as much as we thought this year (which has already put us ahead) and #2. this also puts us ahead for next year. This wood is for my "little house stove", but he'll be dropping off wood for the furnace over the next few weeks - again all for next winter. I'm beginning to feel like we're catching up............
And I really "hate" to be thinking next winter, because Abbie is quite certain - it's time to be thinking spring!!!
I agree!!!!!
It's so good to see the new blogs. I keep saying I'll get to mine soon, but life keeps happening and the blog gets put off for another day.
Abby certainly is stylish!
That last comment was from NY! (I hit the send before typing my name)
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