So, the "big" day finally arrived. Just like I did with Chester, I got nothing done all day only watched the clock until it was time to go.... GO SEE GINGER!!! Since we were staying overnight, I thought I had packed everything, but found later that I forgot quite a few things... oh well, we didn't need them anyways. When we arrived at NEADS this nice big banner greeted us... thought it would be a neat photo opt for Norton!!!!!!!

There were three clients in this class... Pastor Jane and Ginger and two service dogs. While we were waiting, I kept saying to myself.. "say hello to Pastor Jane first.... say hello to Pastor Jane first"... and then I saw them coming threw the door....

Do you think I was happy to see them????

Do you think Ginger was happy to see me???? Do you think I remembered to say hello to Pastor Jane first???? (well --- I kinda did!!!)

The nice thing about Ginger being a ministry dog (among a long list) is I could go a little crazy with her since Pastor Jane doesn't need to count on her. So, I admit.. I let loose.. which really, shouldn't be done with any service dog. We all know the rules.......

"My" puppies together.... Ginger and Norton know each other, they had training sessions together when Norton was with Lorna. So, it's fun to think of them as friends....

Family photo... I so appreciate all the love and support that my dear Ed gives me during all this "service puppy thing".....
What a joy ... looking into those beautiful brown eyes once again. Pastor Jane was so sweet, and just gave us the time to re-connect.....
and then we finally settled down for a nice (though not long enough) visit....

Now, as I said, two other service dogs were enjoying their "meet and greets" as well. I must admit, though, I was so caught up in ours that I didn't' pay much attention to them. Often gifts are exchanged, and I wanted to show this one in particular. One of the other dogs was prison raised and trained.. and the inmate that had done the puppy raising, had also done this drawing for her new owner.... such a talent here, that might not have been found if not for the prison puppy program!!!!

We brought a gift for Pastor Jane as well... I had saved one of Ginger's baby teeth.... her Cabela employee of the week pin.. and I had her blog made into a book. Pastor Jane was thrilled to see all her baby pictures and see some of the adventures that we had together....
We could have talked (and cried) all night. We hit it off immediately and I know for a fact, that Ginger will not be "leaving our lives".... (I love the way she put herself between the two of us!!!)
The Maine puppy chapter has already decided that we are going to make a call on Pastor Jane's church, once she and Ginger have the chance to get settled in. And the work that these two will do together is just going to be amazing. I can't wait to hear all the stories that they will have.

And, of course, the evening flew by and it was time to say "see you soon".... tonite, I feel so at peace. I have that closure and all is well, this is what we puppy raisers really work towards. Yes, it's hard work,. yes- it's very rewarding, yes--- it's heart breaking... and yes, this is why!!!!!
1 comment:
Awww, so cute!!!
I'm glad you got to see her again, and it looks like she had a great time seeing you again!
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