Happy July.... and the day dawned warm and bright, very much like summer. After church I thought it would be great to sit by the lake and enjoy this wonderful weather, and then....... Father called, another batch of hay will be ready... well, so much for lakeside sitting. But really isn't this a pretty sight... the field is just top a hill side and the views, the sky, the breeze (thank goodness) made it perfect for hay.
It doesn't take long to get it into bales.. and this skidder idea is the greatest, though I'm not one to ride it. Catching those bales and getting them on is a talent that I don't seem to have.
Once the skidder is full, a bar is pushed into the ground, then Father pulls the tractor ahead and with a bit of pushing...
The whole block slides off...
And off they go for more, and we load the trailer.
It's so nice to have friends that are willing to give you a hand... makes for light work on a warm summer day....
All was going well, but we were keeping an eye on the sky. Predictions of possible thunderstorms kept us moving, and then when these thunderheads appeared.. we moved just a bit quicker.
The baler was being a pain today, and had to take little breaks for adjustments...
But once it got moving, it does make quick work...
Around 200 bales were brought in today.. that just about fills us up and should be more than enough (with what we already had inside) to get us threw another winter. Hard to think about that on a day like today... but we all know, it will come.
As far as the storm goes, it went just a bit north of us, and all we got was a very small shower, and then this beautiful rainbow. So, I think we are about done with our hay season.. and nice to think we don't have to "worry" about it for the rest of the summer. Hope July won't fly by as quickly as June did, but I have a feeling........
1 comment:
glad to be done with hay on our farm too!
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