After supper, I went home to pack for camp. I had worked all week and just didn't have everything together.... as we pulled into the drive and were getting out, Mona came and jumped on the roof of the truck... Bogey was all confused as to "where" that cat had gone!!!!
Saturday morning brought more company to camp... my sister Rachel and niece (who fell in love with Bogey).. my Mom and Dad... and Dave and Deb... and then other friends popped in and out all day. Oh and dogs... lots of dogs... 11 in total, who all got along like they had always been together. Just what I love.. my home filled with family and friends.
The weather couldn't have been better... the lake was perfect....
Camp is a great place for dogs... especially "swimming dogs".. which Banjo is for sure. In fact, Kas has to pull him out once in a while and make him rest. He'd go until he dropped. Course, he doesn't think it's a good idea to have to "rest"...
and what's camp without lots of good eats... there are always great things to eat.....and why is it, that you always get so hungry at camp???
Camp filled to the brim..... now that's the way to have it!!!!
This year, Abbie has really gotten into swimming... in some ways, she is fearless (which is good and bad)... the good thing is, there was generally someone in the water, so she got to swim to her heart's content.
but what I really couldn't believe... to watch her jumping off the dock into someone's waiting hands...
Abbie and Mommy......
Trevor having a little swim for himself....
loving the water.....
And playing with her cousin. The girls had such a good time together.. Naomi gets the chance to be a "big sister" when Abbie is around....
the way life should be............................
Like "poor Banjo" the girls had to be pulled from the lake to warm up and rest... both were shivering, with blue lips and still telling their Moms... "we're not cold, we don't need a rest"... but some food, a movie and blankies to cuddle in, they decided that maybe their Moms did know what they were talking about!!!
And Hunter dog set the best example of all.... take some time to nap.
Hope you all had a weekend of fun, family and naps......
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