The parade as always was good, with a nice turn out of all kinds of fire trucks... from the antique to the ultra modern. Our little beetle had the honors of caring the "queen" (Miss Flame).....
and you could certainly hear all the sirens and air horns that accompany such pieces of equipment... often much too loud, but that's part of the fun.
Abbie has kept tradition, and riding for the first time this year on the trucks. She, by the way, is the fourth generation of this family to be a part of the festivities...... She told me later that " it was the best, Baby!!!"
I had Bogey with us this year. He did very well with all the noise and excitement. I'm beginning to also think of the muster as "which service dog did I have that year".....
good ol' "Protection 2".. I just love this old hand tub (as they are fondly called). Ed and I feel very proud to be the care takers of this fine piece. The "Red shirts" that own this piece are so happy that we enjoy taking care of it. She only makes this one appearance each year, but it's like bringing out an elegant lady to a grand ball.....
After the parade, it's onto the muster, where the firefighters compete in all sort of games. Bogey thought riding "topless" was pretty neat... actually all our service puppies have "gone topless" once or twice and all have enjoyed it....
So great to meet up with the people we have known (literally) all our lives. This is Bob, a very dear friend of the family... he knew Ed and I as children, and of course our girls, and now Miss Abbie.....
whom... later, got one of the best seats in the house. From her "perch" she had a bird's eye view of the entire muster....
However, the bouncy house was way more fun that sitting and watching the teams run. She spent the better part of the afternoon there... Bogey, I think would have loved to join her.
by the end of the afternoon, one little girl was beginning to run out of steam. Time to wrap it up.. go to Tee Tee's house for a nap to rest up for the evening's events...
The banquet is held at a local clambake. It comes with all the fixin's.. and it is very good....
Sadie and her dear friend Jenn....
this is certainly a night for taking lots of pictures and making lots of memories...
Our whole family was there for the lobster bake and celebrations. Here I am with my two sisters, Sadie and Abbie (Kass was off somewhere... and Naomi with a friend).. but for the most part, we were all together...
My Mom and Dad enjoying their meal...
Now, this is a picture worth a thousand words... this is my Dad, and Chuck... both these men have been members of the fire department and are still volunteering. Chuck received an award for 58 (!!!!) years of volunteering and my Dad for 56 (!!!!) years of volunteering... both are still very active in the fire company, and I dare say.. will hit the 60 year mark!!!!
A nice photo of the entire family... yup, it's safe to say that the firemen's muster is a real tradition in our family....
I wish you could have heard Abbie as I took this photo... she said to her Papa...
"This day was the best!!!"
I totally agree Ab!!!!
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