Our friend's horse, just as the hurricane was rolling in, some how banged her eye. Seriously banged her eye.. enough so it caused the cornea to be damaged. They called the vet, who came out and said.. this horse needs hospital care. After calling around, they got to us and asked if we could transport her to the clinic. By now the hurricane had passed, and we were "happy" to help. (never a happy moment when an animal is in pain).
The vet saw them right away, and sadly with no good outcomes. Treating the eye was an option, but not a good one.. the best idea -- removing the eye.... which they decided they had to do. So, Ed and I left and told them, we would be glad to bring her home when she was ready.
A few days later we were back. The hospital was quite busy, it's a teaching hospital as well as a care hospital, so there were lots of students working about. While I was waiting for them to release my friend's horse, I watched this clinic in "movement"... it was pretty fun, and I have to admit, had I "known in my younger days..." this might have been a route I chose to do....
Molly came out of the hospital really no worse for the wear. She was happy to see her family and after moving around - we loaded her on and headed for home. The last report I got, is she is all settled in and very comfortable at home. She had been out in her pasture and seems almost like nothing even happened. My friend said the thing that I always think.. for all their size and strength, it's amazing how delicate horses really are... and if they're going to be hurt or in trouble, you can pretty much plan on it being in the middle of storms or in the night.... "never when it's convenient"... so, I guess you just need to be ready.....
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