In the morning, we got to see where we really were. Do you know that building??? It's the Pentagon!!! Right there at the end of the street... this began to put things into prospective...
Our room was on the sixth floor (out of 16) we had some pretty nice views. I am glad that we weren't any higher.. the walk outside for Rylie was "long enough":.... I can't imagine living like this all the time, especially with a puppy. But I met up with other dog walkers, so there are doggies that do live like this!!!!
We pretty much decided that we wouldn't try to drive around the city, and needed to figure out the metro. It turned out to be quite easy-- except for one thing... escalators!!! Our dogs are not allowed to ride on them.. so it was either try and find the elevators, or.. carry them. We opted the with the "carry" idea. June wasn't able to pick Vicki up.. Ed carried her down on this ride...
I looked down and saw this photo of Rylie... I thought it was kind of funny, because my first time on the metro.. I sort of felt like this...
Rylie was just a little worried on our first trip.. I had to act brave for her. I actually enjoyed the ride, and was impressed at how clean and quiet it was. People on the "train" were quite impressed with the dogs.. and by the end of the weekend, I am sure we'll all be old pros with it.
Escalators.... we're going to just have to deal, but it's obvious.. they'll be everywhere!!!!
Rick isn't much of traveler.. and a true country boy. He was very happy to find a tree and a quick hug made him feel much better about this city thing!!!!!
We arrived on the "mall"... the day was so pretty.. almost 60 degrees (on a December day).. and our first stop was the Vietnam memorial.
It was very quiet there, and we could hear the calling of a bird. Over head sitting up in a tree was this beautiful hawk. I felt like "he" kept a careful watch over this place... almost a spiritual presence.....
We took some photos of the three service puppies together.. Rylie, Vicki and Moxie. This trip seems to have so many parts to it for me... course being there for the Wreaths Across America.. but also the opportunity to visit our nation's capital.. and of course the amazing training opportunities for the dogs...I felt a bit overwhelmed.
I was actually surprised at the number of people that were here. A Friday morning in December... but I suppose Washington is visited all the time by all sorts of folks....
Again, this is not a place where dogs are normally welcomed. But the dogs had their "service" privileges. I was so pleased at how well behaved they all were, and I was also pleased at the way people re-acted to them. Lots of smiles, and often people would ask if they could say hello to them... it was really a wonderful thing.
I took so many photos, that it's hard to choose them for this blog. Once in a while I captured just what I had hoped....
We looked up the name of a young man who was from our old home town. "Larry A. D'Entremont"... we know his family well... and though I never knew Larry... it was an honor to "locate" him and remember him and the others who gave their lives for our country.
Here we are.. together in Washington....
And our little group on the stairs of the Lincoln memorial... June with Vicki, Kelli, Rick, Moxie and Ed... (I of course, was taking the picture!!)
June and Vicki.. which, I don't know if I mentioned, but this is a very special trip for this team. Vicki will be returned to NEADS next week we get home. So, for June, this is sort of the last "hurray" after a year of work raising this beautiful dog...
Lincoln Memorial. I have seen it before, but you forget how big it is.... quite a sight to see for sure.
Little Rylie hiked right up all those stairs, and worked perfectly beside me. Nice pose of her at the top of the stairs with the reflecting pool in the back ground.
Rick with Moxie and myself with Rylie....
We then ventured over to the Korean memorial. It's hard to say which one would be my favorite. They are all so different and so wonderful in their own way.
I did find this one a little 'creepy" which I don't mean in a bad way.. but it was so life like, you almost expected the men to take a step towards you. Certainly, much thought and respect has gone into making each memorial...
This is the World War II memorial.... it's a very pretty spot and the water has a very calm effect....
We found the pillar for our state..... Ed and Kelli pose with the pups here...
and then this young man wanted to get a photo with the pups. He was quite interested in their work....
From the mall we went onto one of the Smithsonian's... and toured threw there. We really needed another few days in this beautiful city to see it all, but we did as much as we could in this one day. Tons of walking and enjoying the sights and sound....
Just before dark, we got back on the metro with some very tired dogs. A quick stop at the motel, and then we all went out for dinner. I think the dogs were just happy to sleep under the table while we all talked and re-capped the day. We have another exciting day tomorrow in Arlington.. but what a pleasure and privilege to see our Capital....
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