byebye old year
Just as he promised, we got the new piece to fix the shafts, and Ed got it right back on for me. It's not painted, but it's in place and we can go sleighing!!! I thought OK, nice way to say goodbye to 2012.. take a little ride around the farm, and then tonite we have been invited over to a friend's house for a pot luck supper. Not being a fan of "new year's eve".. this sounded like a good plan.
Now, all was not lost in having to pick up a new part... because when I went into the store...there was this beautiful string of bells!!! and you just know I had to have them. They look so pretty hanging off his collar, and the sound.... right out of a story book....
Out came the sleigh, and we were ready to go. I was a little "worried" because the nice snow fall we had on Saturday, did fill in my path, and in some places, was pretty drifted. But Ed and I decided, he's a big strong horse, and he can get threw those drifts, so we didn't go out with the tractor again....
Well, we guessed wrong!!! I will admit, I'm still learning a lot with this whole driving thing, and believe it or not, a sleigh is very different from the cart. It's turns differently, it pulls differently.. it's just different.... (and my horse knows far more than I do!!) Anywho,we were going along pretty well... and then we got into a drifted bank.Talk about being STUCK!!! I gave Duke a breather.. and then asked him to pull... well, he did.. and if you look carefully at this photo... do you notice that there is a piece missing between the shafts??? Yup, he pulled, nice and hard... and BROKE the piece Ed just replaced!!! Thankfully, the moment I heard the "snap", I asked him to "whoa" and he stopped dead in his tracks. (such a GOOD BOY) Had he not, I can't even begin to think of the horror that could have happened...
The piece is made of spruce.. so it's not a strong type of wood... and maybe it's designed to break. Either way, we had to unhitch, and then walk back to the barn. You know, of course, we were at the furthest point in the field to walk back to the barn. Again, I am so happy we have such a good boy, he could plow threw the snow, and I had to plod along as best as I could, but it seemed like a long walk back.
It took us about an hour to dig the sleigh out..that is with the help of the tractor, and the gator...(and to think I thought Duke could pull us out!!!) Oh well, we got it out, took care of the horses, and went to our friends. We had a nice time there, but tomorrow is our open house, I was hoping to offer rides... and I really hope this isn't what "sleighing" is going to be about...
either way... bye bye 2012.... and we're onto the new...
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