I feel like I say this every year... that haying season is a tricky thing. We had some really good weather the end of May, and some of the local farmers were able to pull off a hay crop a bit early. But then came rain... lots of rain, and so many of the hay fields had to wait... including the one that we get ours from. But, once there is a few days of sun, the farmers are out there and the call comes in.
We are actually in a good place.. I still have half the loft full of hay. I like to buy extra if I can, because come winter, it can always be sold off... and if we do have a late cut in the spring, I'm not worrying about "how to get threw until the crop comes in"..... I won't buy as much this year, but we will certainly bring in a couple of loads....
It's so wonderful how everyone just pitches in and helps. Haying is a big job and those extra hands make all the difference....
Working between thunderstorms...they're off to get another load....
Abbie loved being in the hay field. Goodness if this little girl doesn't turn out to be a farming kid, then I can't do any more!!!!!
She loved running up and down the hills with the other kids......it's a real social hour out there on the hay fields... something that not too many kids get the experience of these days....
She was pretty sure she could pick up a bale... and at least gave it a good try.....
Off to the barn, the elevator doesn't get used but only this time of year, but let me tell you.... it's worth it's weight in gold. I don't know how you have a loft without one of these!!!!
Back for the second load, and this time everyone is hustling to help.....
Because a thunderstorm is on it's way in. Once the hay is baled... getting wet is a very bad thing and it's a race against the weather....
We pulled out the field just in time........
I gave the boys a taste of the new hay... after a nice big meal of that, Duke washes it down with a big long drink.....
Abbie shoos the turkeys in for the night, and our first two loads of hay are safely tucked inside, a nice feeling for a day's work. One thing about farm life, is I always feel like we are "planning for the next season"....here it is just the start of summer, and we're thinking "winter" with getting the hay inside. Then one or two more loads of hay.. and we have to begin to think "wood".....
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