It certainly hasn't taken Debbie long to "move in" on all of us. She is sweet, adorable and full of beans... we are falling in love. Her name is very unusual (I think) for a puppy, but since I know that most of the NEADS puppies are named for a special reason... I am sure that "Debbie" has some special story behind her name.
The only "problem" is.. I have some very special people in my life with the name Debbie, and it's a little hard to call my puppy by that name. One such person is Deb... Nate's Mom.... who happens to think that "Debbie" is a perfect name for this little girl, and she has promised to be Debbie's "dog-mother"... I think that little Debbie approves of her "dog mother"......
She knows how to "worm" into her Daddy's heart too.... hop up in his lap and look really, really cute.... (Ed is such a "moosh")..... so, looks like she is pretty happy to be spending her first year of life with on the farm... and I can only hope that I do as good a job as I can with her... I'll certainly try!!!!!
but onto another story... Ed and I promised Abbie and Naomi that we would take them to Storyland this summer... without their parents!!!! (that way we can properly spoil them!!!). Fearing that summer would get by without us doing this, I made a date and got both the girls from the Moms.... and off we went. The day was very grey and rainy, we debated about going another day.. and then decided we would chance it... and maybe get OK weather and the park wouldn't be too busy... (we got our wish). First stop.. the picture frame.......
And two little girls smiled the entire day... just like this!!!!!
There is something truly wonderful about being in a place were everything is just your size... and that big people don't fit so well. The girls ran into every little house (this is the three bears....)
And certainly had the most wonderful time in the tree house. Wouldn't it be fun to have t his in your back yard???
Or perhaps a pumpkin house would be more to your liking........
Little Miss Muffet's spider came to call.......
And the swan boat was perfect for a quiet ride.... Abbie thought this might be quite fun to have at the lake... I must say, I agree...
We just happened to catch Cinderella at home this day. She said the Prince was out on a hunting trip, so she was just waiting for him and visiting with the guests of Storyland. Abbie was completely taken by her and could hardly think what to say.....
There was some serious discussion about the glass slipper.......
A pumpkin coach of your own... perhaps we could bring this home and try it out with either Duke or Tonka!!! that would be quite the eye catcher going down the road!!!!!
But here's my favorite for sure.... the carousel... I just love this carousel and personally, would have been just as happy to spend the entire day here. Both the girls took 'forever" to find just the right horse... I like how Naomi's horse matched her outfit!!!!
Abbie actually made a pretty close match herself.....
As for me, any one of those beautiful horses will do!!!!!!
We shot at pirate ships......
And went on the roller coaster... TWICE!!! yup, that's me... I have never ridden a roller coaster until I became a Grandmother!!!! Actually, that might have been just one slight drawback with NOT bring the parents with us... Either Papa or Baby had to ride with the girls.... I have never done so many rides in one day!!!!
Actually I was pretty pleased with myself for handling so many of the rides.... usually I'm not a "ride" kind of gal.... but I didn't want these little ones to miss out on one thing!!!!
One of the many neat things about Storyland is there truly is something for everyone. And we pretty much worked out a deal with the girls, that one 'wild" ride meant the next would be "quiet"... like the little train... though here, Abbie was already planning the next "wild" ride... (the train was a bit boring she thought)....
Flying whales were much more her speed........
They spent sometime at the "water park" even though the day was cool. We at least talked them out of the water rides.. which was a shame because those are fun... but neither Papa nor I really wanted to be soaking wet all day long.....
How I ever got talked into the spinning turtles was beyond me. And though it really was fun......
The ride got to be a bit much... even for the kids. And it turned out to the last ride I could manage... spinning turtles will be on the "no" list from here on... even for the kids I think....
The little cars were a big hit, even if they went on the "quiet" ride list. Both the girls could take an adult and got to drive......
Two rain showers did come threw during the day... both times we really lucked out... for one rain shower we were visiting Heidi's house and her Grandfather invited us inside until the rain passed.... the girls just had a great time watching the rain out the little windows....
And the safari ride offer us the chance to cage these two for the ride!!!!!
When the second rain shower came.. we were in the "ball factory"...Ed and I had a chance to sit and just let the girls go. It was the perfect spot to end the day, because by the time they had run here and there threw the "ball factory" both of them were saying that they were tired.
The ride home was very, very quiet...... I don't think we were 10 minutes down the road and they were out like little lights. Such a great day.. such memories for Ed and I as we took our own two little girls there, and now, we take the next generation with us. Course next year.. Reagan will join the troops and we might lift the "rule" of no parents... but we'll have to see what next summer brings!!!!
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