Do you like the title of this story?? I thought it was appropriate, because when I talk about my bees... most people say "you would find me running!!" Actually, this is two separate stories!!!! On Saturday, the shop where we buy all our "bee stuff" offers a time that they call "open hive".. and what it is, are mini classes in beekeeping, and then we head out to their bee yard and take a peek into the hives. With winter on the way, I wanted to be sure that we know how to button our bees up and help them get threw the cold months, so I popped over for the open hive.
After talking about winter care and treating for mites (which are horrid things to bees - like fleas to dogs...) we headed out to the bee yard and Brian walked us threw a hive inspection. (notice he doesn't wear gloves when handling his bees....)
This is a nice strong hive, but I was pleased because our hive looks like this one. It was good to make comparisons with another hive and get an idea of how ours are compared to others....
This time of year, though, the bees are getting protective of the hive. So, it's good if two people can work them together - Ed and I always do. The bees are really working, getting in every last bit before the frost takes everything away from them. Our bees have been pretty easy going, but we need to check them next weekend, so we'll see if there is a difference with them. We need to check and see if they have mites, and we need to do a careful check on the honey stores and then the hive has to be protected against mice and the sort. There's a bit to getting them ready, but I feel better about knowing just how to do it.
On Sunday, we were up bright and early.. meeting up with Kas and Nate - and Reagan. It was the Run for the Fallen and they wanted to do the road course. I said that we could keep an eye on Reagan while they ran. Lauren and John were running too... it was a 12 mile run... and here they are rested and ready to go....
I brought Debbie along,knowing that there would be a lot of people and different things for her to check out. She seems up for the adventure....
There was a big crowd. Some people were running in memory of their loved ones, other - like Kas and Nate - ran just to show their support. There were a lot of "walkers" too... A ceremony and time of remembrance began the run.....being by the ocean on this beautiful fall morning... it was a very touching time.
And they're off... all smiles now, but 12 miles... that's a long way. This is a very nice event and it's well planned. One thing they did was have several trolleys driving the route, so that if anyone couldn't finish, they had a ride back.... at the end, they collect all the "runners" and bring them back to the start, so that they can all end together....
This young ROTC group was doing the run in their packs!!!!!
While Ed, Reagan, Debbie and I waited for them to return, it gave us the chance to look about the park. We visited the memorial site that had been set up.....
Deb was a very good girl...
We walked the trail, practiced with the stroller (moving threw a tight spot) talked with alot of people about their lost loved ones, service dogs... and babies.....
Reagan was a very good boy. He rode around in the stroller, and then I let him play for a while in the back of the jeep. The day was just so pretty, that not to be outside and enjoying it, would have been a crime.
As it became time for the run to end, there was going to be music, a luncheon and all sorts of different events. I was excited to see the bagpipers come... I LOVE bagpipe music. These two men were very good...
Though once they began to play... I don't think Reagan (who had been sleeping) was quite as impressed... but once he really woke up, he seemed fine with the music...
And here come the runners.... I like that they have everyone finish together... some came in carring small flags....
And placed the additional flags at the pictures of their loved ones. It was certainly a time that brought you to tears....
Debbie did her part in comforting hurting hearts.. reminded me of how Rylie did the same thing when we were in Washington last December....
Kas and Nate were married here where the run had started from. None of us have been back here since the wedding (almost 8 years ago).. so it was a great time for a family photo.. and a great memory.
Debbie was given this pin for her vest and "service of the day".....
Next year,, I would like to participate in this run. I have a year to "train".... but one thing for sure, we won't forget our fallen... for they and their families, truly gave all....
After the run, we went to Kas and Nate's to retrieve the beetle. It's been there since the firemen's parade... I thought Debbie might enjoy a topless ride home....
Which she did... and it just was such a nice way to end the day... end a beautiful weekend ..
of bees and running!!!!!
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