As October comes to a close, I can't help but take pictures of the beautiful fall days... the leaves are long past peak, and the trees are really getting bare.....
This almost looks like mountain range, but it's just clouds in the sky at the edge of our pasture....
I can see our neighbor's homes once again.. and enjoy watching their flag blow in the wind....
Kass,Reagan and I met for lunch today on this Halloween day.. so Kass had him dressed up in his little monster costume. It is almost needless to say that he was a big hit with all the folks in the restaurant!!!
I've been learning to knit off and on over the past few years. I love making hats and mittens.. and now that I have two "grands" to knit for.., it's so much fun. This is a little hat that I got done for Reagan.... the pattern is one that I half made up... and the wool is all hand spun, so I am sure he will be warm and toasty wearing it....
Such a little ham... he can catch your heart with that smile....

Kass sent me these photos... Reagan not only sits up now, but crawls... not up on all fours yet, more of a belly crawl, but he can scoot around pretty quickly, and Kass's days of sitting are long over, I fear....
Already for Halloween trick or treaters to come to the house....

Every Wednesday Kass tries to get Reagan to Storytime at the Library... which happens to be run by my dear friend and fellow puppy raiser, Kathleen. This past Wednesday.. when they went, Debbie was with Kathleen on a puppy swap... so... Kass and Kathleen got this photo of my two babies for me.... (does Debbie look like she's thinking... "I could gobble those funny ears off you Reagan"....

Abbie stopped by on trick or treating to see her Tee-tee and Baby Reagan. She wanted to be a "black cat".... Kass asked if she could get a picture of them together, to which Abbie answered... "sure Tee-tee, but make it quick, I got lots of candy to go and get"... so, one photo... and they were off!!!!
And we'll be saying goodbye to this year's turkeys.... time for them to move onto their true calling. I will admit, that I feel sad about this, but it's "why" we raise them . To be honest, I am getting tired of taking care of them... they eat us out of house and home, and the water bucket seems to be empty all the time...
We have some pretty big birds here, so their home is getting crowded as well... and come the holidays (or even a cold winter night) they will provide us with a wonderful meal... thank you turkeys!!!!
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