So, on this day of the least amount of daylight, I have a moment to tell about the events of the past few days. As it is with the Christmas season, there is "so much to do and enjoy" and hardly enough time. One such event was Ed's work's Christmas party... Dave invited everyone to go out and eat together and have a chance to visit without all the craziness that they deal with at work.
It was a fun time and a good meal... Kass gave the Grandpa's (and work) a gift... the little sweatshirt that was Reagan's (since he has outgrown it) and had the company logo on it... she framed it with his photo and made it so they can hang it in the shop.....
We got more snow.. another half foot or so... but it's light and easy to move. I looked out and saw my little beehive... I hope everyone is warm and dry in there... if we get a day of some warmth, I will go out and open them up and check on them... but for now, I can only hope that they are doing well....
Debbie is enjoying every minute of it.... she doesn't consider any of this a "bother".... course she doesn't have to shovel, plow and move it out of the way....
But what do we expect in this part of the country.. this time of year....
One day last week, Deb and I met up with Kassy and Reagan and went to the local library for story time. There had been a gingerbread house contest and all the pieces were being displayed in the library. All sorts of categories, themes and ideas.. they were fun to look at....
Deb and Reagan are all ready to go and hear stories!!!!
And the one who tells them... our own Kathleen!!!! There was quite a group of toddlers there... Kass said it wasn't even a full house. Kathleen was so much fun to watch and listen to.. she knows how to entertain those little ones... Reagan hardly takes his eyes off her....
Debbie loved schmoozing with the little ones... and she is so gentle with them. When they approach her, she lays down and becomes as small as possible....
Reagan said he had "seen Debbie before" and was much more interested in the book that Miss Kathleen had just read!!!!
Tomorrow, the days begin to get longer once again.... minute by minute we will have more daylight.... though winter has just begun, I like it when we have more light in the afternoons....
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