winter, winter, winter.... it seems to go on and on this year. Perhaps I say that every year..... We do live in the "north" so, it's expected, but after a while, I long for the green... going outside without bundling up....
and then, summer does come, and it's fun for a while, and the I think about warm wood stoves, and hand made projects to be done.... and it starts all over again. Good thing I live in a place were the seasons change... maybe I just get bored with one thing for too long.
But, the chickens have begun to lay again... and we are finding a fresh egg or two each time we go to the barn.... so, that's a good sign of things to come!!!!
She has a great time at puppy school, and she has become good friends with Debbie and Cappy. She isn't afraid of the bigger dogs by any means, and playtime is her idea of life!!!!
Bernice has been so wonderful, traveling down to classes each week to work with Livy for me. The downside of teaching.... I can't work my own dogs in class. But, they get their lessons, socialize and then I follow up on the rest at home. So nice to have such great friends that they would come and do this for us....
Cappy has moved in with Kathleen for a while, which is good because it gives her some one on one time. Mookie has gone back to NEADS, and now this gives Kathleen a puppy to work with.
Even though the three puppies (Deb, Livy and Cappy) do well together at home... having three puppies is a lot of work, and I find myself on the go all the time. So, to have Cappy move over to Kathleen's has taken some of the work "load" off.......
This winter has been quite busy too in the boarding department. I love watching the dogs run and race in the big pen. They're not tired of winter by any means.....
We have Rylie's graduation coming up in a few weeks, so I went on line and had her blog printed out as a gift for her owner at graduation. It came today..... and looking it over brought back so many memories!!!!! Looking at the picture I picked for the cover and seeing just how small Abbie was when Rylie came.... it doesn't seem possible that so much time has gone by.
I am always pleased at the way these books are done. I know that Rylie's Mom is going to enjoy it... seeing what we did with Ry when she lived here on the farm!!!!
And then the photo on the back cover..... they sure grew over the course of a year....
Rick has been setting up some pet therapy visits for the dogs to do. These are so fun to go on, not only is it fun to visit with all sorts of people (this one was with children)... but it's such a good experience for the dogs. Since I brought Livy and Camille and Debbie with me... Rick said he would take Debbie along with him....
She trotted right in with him and Moxie....
And besides these gals, we also had Linda and her service puppy Matty join us.
The children (who are children with special needs) absolutely adored the dogs... all of them!!! and with so many different sizes and colors and coat textures... there was one for everyone.... and everyone seemed to pick a favorite. Debbie was quite impressed with this little chap....
She knows how to "work" the crowd!!!!!

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