Hello Livy.. and yes, this is what your life is going to be all about. "Training and showing, and training and.....".... I have to say, it's so exciting to have a puppy once again. I know... "you've had puppies all along".. but this is MY puppy, she doesn't have to go anywhere and she is my "ticket" back into the dog show world. I have so missed the show ring, and with all the "new" sports out there now to try, I'm excited to give them all a shot and see where Livy and I will be happy.
So, today's adventure was a workshop on the "recall" (ie: coming when called). All my dogs have been excellent "comers".... but, being an instructor and hearing new ideas such as "the reliable recall"... I like to see what's going to be certain that my students are getting the best information in my classes.
And not to brag... but I was very pleased to see that--- according to this seminar anyways, I am teaching comes the "right" away. Quite simply, there is no magic in teaching a dog to come... it's work, practice and positive reinforcement.... but now I know for sure...
It was a beautiful facility that we went to.. all kinds of dogs and humans were there. Everyone was very friendly and fun, and it felt good to be doing "dog things".. The other neat fact, was no one there knew me, so it was easy to be just a "student" and not an "instructor"....
Livy had a pretty good time too... I think this is first time that she and I have gone alone together... well... "alone".. Camille waited in the car for us. (Can't leave Camille behind!!!) I think too, Livy was the youngest one there, so everyone had to make a fuss over the puppy.
The next day, it was Danny's turn to make his debut in puppy school. Can't give this boy any time off, we don't have much time to spare!!! Of course, he was a hit, especially with Mary (who also raises service puppies for CCI)
Danny had no trouble "fitting in".. he's a solid little boy who thinks life is grand. Here he says hello to Peace (Mary's puppy in training)... she was pretty excited to meet him too...
And then he made the rounds with Kathleen and got to know everyone else in the class...
Because I teach this class, Kathleen will be his handler. I feel so fortunate to have "extra" handlers in my life... doubt my puppies would even be trained without them!!!!!
Abbie has taken to Danny like no one else. I'm not sure if it's because he's a puppy, Rylie's little brother or the fact that maybe Abbie just loves black labs. But either way, these two are real buddies.....
She's plays with him all the time, and is happy to practice "his training"... have to say is there anything cuter than a little girl and a puppy... especially a puppy that comes when called????
She's pretty much willing to do anything... except "clean up"... after he "finished".. she yelled to me... "Baby... Danny let a poo here"... when I asked why didn't she take care of it... she gave me "that look"..... OK.. can't expect everything I guess....
working on the "touch" command.....
And to calmly roll over and let your belly be touched... (she knows it all!!!!)
A fire in the stove??? yup, sad to say, despite all the beautiful sunshine we've had.. it's been chilly some days and this little stove takes just the edge off a cool house. I always like a fire anyways, so lightening this one once in awhile is still fun.
1 comment:
Puppies and a wood stove.. HAPPINESS defined!
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