So, spring has finally (!!!!) found us, and it's time to get all those wonderful spring chores done. Project number one... get the pasture opened up for the horses. They have been fairly good about not breaking out, but if we keep them off the grass much longer, I don't know if the fence will hold. Because Mocha and Twinkle don't have much space, we (will I decided) to re do their area. Which meant... we needed another corner post put in. So, post hole digger goes on the tractor.....
I decided to move the round pen, and open up all this area for the ponies. Not sure where I am going to put the round pen now, but that is a project that can wait for another day. Right now, pasture is more important, and I know these two will be thrilled to have all this space.
Abbie came along to help. She loves to be a part of almost any farm project that we do. And actually she is getting to a point where she really is a great help. She likes to move the gator for us and can inch it up here and there as we need it.
All winter, the horses have been housed close to the barn... you can see how much wear and tear the ground gets.... but once we open that pasture.. they move out and it give this part a chance to "rest".....
Tonka had great interest in what was going on... he's seen this before and knows "what comes next".... he almost had a hard time waiting, so Abbie went over to entertain him for a while.
They were so silly together, and played this great game of "follow me".....
Which he did for the longest time. I'm so happy that Abbie has a chance to do things like this. She has no fear of animals, and sadly I see too many children who are afraid....
It took us a few hours to get everything moved around and the fence up and running. We had to close the horses in the barn because they were getting too anxious... But when I opened those barn doors and let everyone out... it was a beautiful sight..... Silver went right to his favorite part of the pasture....
It took Mocha and Twinkle a little longer to realize they had new space... (everyone looks so ragged... they're still getting rid of winter coats!!!)
But once it was all figured out, they got down the serious job of eating. We could hear the crunching that nice spring grass. And if it goes as it has done in the past, they probably won't even go near the barn for the next week or so. Once that grass comes in, I hardly feed out a flake of hay......
We have another week to wait on the new bees. It's been a cold wet spring and they are a bit late in coming...
but the "bee yard" is already and waiting for them......
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