I just love it when Abbie is able to come and visit back on the farm!!!! This is like a second home to her, and she is always up for any projects that need to be done. Today... "move the keets to their new and much bigger home"... so, we cleaned out the coop, and got it all ready for the new owners!!!!
Because the birds are quite big (and slightly wild) it was just as easy to put their cage in the back of the gator and drive them over to the coop. Abbie took her job of "watching that it doesn't fall out the back" very seriously. The birds got a little upset about their adventure into the big world...
But, once they were in the coop, it didn't take them long to feel right at home. It was fun to watch them peck around in the cleaning shavings and stretch their wings... I'll keep them locked in for a week or so, and then open up the door and let them have the penned area as well..... happy birds!!!!
Sunflowers!!!! and happy bees..... but I can't take any credit for this year's flowers. I didn't plant these.. in fact, I had planted other sunflowers in another spot, but these are the ones that came up. From what I can tell... and since they are in the same place as last year.... the birds must have dropped seeds as they were eating off the flowers, and those seeds are the ones that took root....
They're so pretty, and I am already planning on just leaving these and "allowing" the birds and such to replant for me again. Since we all know the type of gardener that I am NOT... might as well let the better gardeners do their jobs.....
We had our monthly check in at neads again. And their gardens are so pretty that I just had to have Danny boy do a quick photo shoot for me. He's really turning into such a handsome dog.....
"OK Mom... enough of the pics already... let's do something!!!"
Since Danny is the only puppy we have right now, the eval doesn't take too long. We did our usual trek threw the city and went to meet the train, but all of this is beginning to be old hat to this boy.
Rayvan was in the kennel at neads, and Linda was so happy to be able to see her again. Dave thought it would be OK for her to join us on the city walk. Danny was happy to have the company....... I'm hoping there will be more puppies shipped up our way soon.... it's way more fun to have a group of puppies to "play" with!!!!!
Now, here's a photo!!!! Back in early summer when we were doing one of our pet therapy visits.. I got talking with a gal about horses. She said she loved them and was in fact, doing some therapy riding. I told her about our horses and how we had a mini that liked to do visiting. One of the staff heard us talking, and asked if there might be a time when I could bring Mocha over to see them. I said absolutely!!! and today.... was that day..... not so sure how Moxie and Maya felt when they saw Mocha.......
But the clients were quite excited to see her... well... most of them were!!! Some of them came right over and began to fuss over her, and others weren't so sure about a "horse" showing up.....
Mocha was amazing... she really enjoyed all the attention, and my biggest "fear" was that she might accidentally step on someone. Not that she is all that heavy, but still a hoof on your foot can hurt.....
This young man has his own pets, including horses so he was very happy to visit Mocha. Because his mobility is so limited, I had to bring Mocha in close to him... she had no fear of his wheel chair and he was so happy that she would move in so close to visit....
I saw big smiles all threw out the visit. But this young woman was especially fun. She was terrified when she first saw Mocha and didn't want anything to do with her. Then, after watching all her friends fussing over Mocha.. she decided that she could be brave enough and move in closer. With some time, and a bit of encouragement, but the end of the visit... this is what she was able to do. She was so proud of herself "being so brave".. and Mocha was so sweet and gentle... she told me "you bring her back anytime and I won't be afraid again"...... now, that is what a pet visit is all about!!!!
Such a great day and experience for those all around.... I've done some visits with Mocha off and on... but after today, I think I need to bring her around more often.... she certainly knows how to make smiles!!!!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
33 and counting...
Weather wise, it's been a great summer. Maybe a tad too hot at times, but it is summer after all... however, today, we woke to cooler temps and horses that were very happy to graze out in the fog. Old Silver is hanging in there... and looked a bit like a ghost in this morning fog....
It is so quiet here, that I take these photos and I can actually hear them chewing. I have to say I love the quietness of this farm and when days start off like this, I am greatly reminded of how blessed we are. But today is special for a number of other reasons... first and foremost... today my dear Ed and I have been married for 33 years!!!!!!
Being a Friday, he had to go into work... but I was able to have another get visit... Reagan and Kass came up to the farm... and being such a pretty day.. we decided it was time to take this little guy for his first topless Beetle ride. "Selfie" is what they call photos like this.... so here's my "selfie" of me and Reagan!!!!
Like Danny last week, Reagan thought all of this was pretty grand!!!! (not so sure what Abbie would think of Reagan riding in "her" car).....
And it wasn't that long ago when Abbie did ride in the beetle in her car seat!!! Now as long as that tractor doesn't go over the side of the car as we're driving along... all will be good (and for the record.. it didn't...)
The destination of our ride!!! Sadie and Jessie's new home!!! And as sad as I am to see them move from the farm, I am just so happy that this pretty little house is their very own.... and even better ... it's not very far away!!!! so, I suspect I can see them often and whenever I wish....
They're just getting settled in, but Abbie is beyond thrilled to have her own room, a nice yard and all her things in one place. I hope they have many happy years together here.......
The first real sign of fall.... Rick is starting to get our wood supply to us. I know what I will be doing over the next month.... stacking!!! Actually it's nice to see it here, I guess my New England up bringing sparks into nesting mode as the summer is coming to a close....
And here's another story all to it's own!!!! A few weeks back I got a call for help with a dog. Well it turns out that this dog belongs to a cousin of Eds!!! A cousin that as children they were pretty close, and then as life went on.. people go their own way - and Ed hasn't seen them in almost 20 years!!! So, I go and work with the dog, and we all decide that it's been far too long and time to get reacquainted!!! Since everyone had plans to attend the local fair, we make a date to meet there, and here we are... Cindy, Ed and Debbie!!!!! together again....
Cindy has three great kids!!!! Phil .. (that's our Abbie)... Ginny and Liz.... It was such such fun to be together at the fair, getting to know each other, and deciding that from here on out... these two families are going to take the time to be together. Abbie couldn't believe that she has three "big" cousins that she never knew and these "kids" were so great with her.
When Cindy and Debbie were kids (as well as Ed and his brother Bill).. the two families had camps on the same lake. We still have the family camp, but they don't... and part of the reason why everyone went separate ways. The "kids" recalled all kinds of summer days playing together at the lake, visiting back in forth via boats.. evenings together fireside.. and it was fun to hear all the old stories....
But from here on... we're going to make new stories, and making a date for getting all of the kids together. They are all fairly close in age, so I know we'll have a good time....
A summer of new adventures!!!!!!!and all thanks to a "naughty" dog named Calvin!!!!!

By the way.. I did enter a few things in the fair again this year... my Winter cross stitch took a nice blue....

For our anniversary.. Ed surprised me and made dinner reservations at a friend's restaurant ... Beach Fire!!! we had a great meal and were treated like celebrities!!!!
What a great anniversary...... and where in the world has 33 years gone????
Danny hiked along as nice as could be. It's fun for people to come up to me and ask "who is this year's dog??" Guess they're getting used to me with this puppy raising thing and that each year the fair comes, I arrive with some one new.....
We were also joined by the Bradys!!!! and they're new little baby..Bruce!!! This was Bruce's first fair... so doubt he'll remember much from the view of his stroller.... but it's a moment in "history"....
Course, Reagan liked it all, but when we came upon the tractors!!! well... that just absolutely made his day!!! Kass and Nate let him climb around them for a while... then taking him away... well.. one can only imagine!!!
Next year baby Bruce will be the climbing the tractors too. Though I am thinking that climbing around on tractors is much easier (and less expensive) then wanting to do all the rides... so the parents best enjoy this time while they can!!!!
Family photo time!!!!
Danny had a good time too.. we stayed a long while, I like seeing the fair in the dark... watching the rides, seeing the lights... eating all the "great food"... I hope we can make a few more fairs this fall....
Kass and Nate stayed the night in the camp.. so we ended the day fireside.... and this is a nice way to end this blog....
Sunday, August 17, 2014
the truck show!!!
Yesterday it was firetrucks... today it's just trucks. The Sunday after the muster (in another town) is the annual antique truck show. And you just know that one little boy is going to be in his joy!!!!
Funny ... when we "dragged" Kassy and Sadie to this show as little ones... they weren't exactly "happy".... (guess it doesn't excite little girls like it does little boys)... And now where does Kassy find herself.... walking around the truck show so her little boy can see them all.....

and not that Papa didn't love having little girls.... but having this little man around.... really makes things grand!!!!
Sadly, I didn't get many pictures... I brought Danny with us, and by the time I answered all the questions from the crowd about him and tried to keep up with my family.... picture taking was just too complicated!!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
98th annual Firemen's muster...
Seeing Protection II all shiny and polished can only mean one thing.... the firemen's muster is just around the corner. Actually, this year though... it means a bit more than that.... it means that a long winter's project is complete!!!!
The Red Shirts decided that it was time to give this ol gal a restoration... and it was my Ed that took the project on. So last year, after the muster, she came home to be with us. Ed took her apart piece by piece and slowly all the parts took over our garage. (which meant that my jeep was only out of the snow part of the winter)... As it was seen in previous blogs, we had a few trips north to Firefly restoration for various parts and pieces.. painting, and the like.
Overall, it was a good project... but as it usually goes with life... other things got in the way (like some trips to the hospital) and it began to get down to the wire about getting Protection II back together and ready for the muster. Thankfully, Jack - Ed's life long buddy - came to the rescue, and with some very long days and nights, they got her all back together and ready to go...
and she is so pretty!!!!!!
The day before the muster, last minute details were done... here is Mark Hollingsworth, my Ed and Jack.... a little worse for the wear, but feeling very happy and accomplished with their hard work and love. Protection II will be smiling in the parade this year, and not liking a restoration will have to be thought about again ... or at least for another 60 years!!!!!
Beetle time!!!! so, our little beetle has the honors again this year to carry the fireman's queen. I needed to get it down for the muster event and thought it might be a good time to try Danny in an "open car".... being Danny I didn't think he would have "any trouble with this"....
trouble??? no way!!! he absolutely LOVE riding topless!!! He sat perfectly still except for raising his beautiful head to smell the air and watch the world go zipping by....
I thought he would eventually lay down and snooze, but no way... he wasn't about to miss one moment of this great ride. He is really the nicest dog and someone is going to have a real prize when they are matched with this boy!!!!
And so we celebrate the 98 Firemen's muster!!!! First stop, our usual spot on the curb waiting for the parade to begin......
And before too long, here it comes... with the "new" Protection II leading the way. I wasn't there when the Red Shirts saw her for the first time... but from what Ed (and the joy I saw on his face when he told me)... they were beyond thrilled!!! I knew that Ed would do an amazing job, but it's nerve wracking until you get the final word...
When the guys saw me taking the photos... there were many waves and cheers!!!!
Ed was right behind in the beetle with the queen. Dave - wanting to be sure that our kiddos got plenty of candy kisses - stopped the parade to grab a big handful from the queen.
And then came the trucks. If ever I were told that boys grown into men.. I will assure you that it's not the case with a parade of firetrucks!!! Those men/boys want to be as loud as they possible can in those big red trucks... and if you can't stand the sound of sirens and air horns...t his is not the parade for you. Reagan was just a bit unsure at first, but once he saw the other kids were excited, he got into the grove...
I kept a careful eye on Danny.. (those sirens are really really loud) but he took it all in stride and watched both the trucks and the kids....
Looks like the last one Dan!!!!!
After the parade we hiked down to the field to watch the games. Abbie is so cute and when people started asking about Danny, she was the one who wanted to take the leash and walk him down. I know she likes the idea of Danny being Rylie's brother and I think that's the reason for another close connection..... (she looks so grown up in the photo!!!)
The field was busy.... good food, old friends, firetrucks.... and tradition all rolled into one. Our "kids" that we brought to this are now parents... bring their kids....
It doens't take Danny long to make himself right at home. Put him in the middle of anything and he is his happiest........
goofing around with Abbie.....
Reagan was thirlled to see Papa at the field... he didn't quite firgure out that Papa was driving the beetle in the parade..
Photo opt time.......
Reagan, Kass and Diana..(who next year will have her own little one at the muster!!!)These gals have been friends since they were babies..... there is just something wonderful about small town living......
After the parade, the firement games, it's off to the annual lobster bake and then home.... Protection II will be tucked away for another year.....

And on the ride back to the farm... Danny seems sad that it's all done...
for this year.....
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