Seeing Protection II all shiny and polished can only mean one thing.... the firemen's muster is just around the corner. Actually, this year though... it means a bit more than that.... it means that a long winter's project is complete!!!!
The Red Shirts decided that it was time to give this ol gal a restoration... and it was my Ed that took the project on. So last year, after the muster, she came home to be with us. Ed took her apart piece by piece and slowly all the parts took over our garage. (which meant that my jeep was only out of the snow part of the winter)... As it was seen in previous blogs, we had a few trips north to Firefly restoration for various parts and pieces.. painting, and the like.
Overall, it was a good project... but as it usually goes with life... other things got in the way (like some trips to the hospital) and it began to get down to the wire about getting Protection II back together and ready for the muster. Thankfully, Jack - Ed's life long buddy - came to the rescue, and with some very long days and nights, they got her all back together and ready to go...
and she is so pretty!!!!!!
The day before the muster, last minute details were done... here is Mark Hollingsworth, my Ed and Jack.... a little worse for the wear, but feeling very happy and accomplished with their hard work and love. Protection II will be smiling in the parade this year, and not liking a restoration will have to be thought about again ... or at least for another 60 years!!!!!
Beetle time!!!! so, our little beetle has the honors again this year to carry the fireman's queen. I needed to get it down for the muster event and thought it might be a good time to try Danny in an "open car".... being Danny I didn't think he would have "any trouble with this"....
trouble??? no way!!! he absolutely LOVE riding topless!!! He sat perfectly still except for raising his beautiful head to smell the air and watch the world go zipping by....
I thought he would eventually lay down and snooze, but no way... he wasn't about to miss one moment of this great ride. He is really the nicest dog and someone is going to have a real prize when they are matched with this boy!!!!
And so we celebrate the 98 Firemen's muster!!!! First stop, our usual spot on the curb waiting for the parade to begin......
And before too long, here it comes... with the "new" Protection II leading the way. I wasn't there when the Red Shirts saw her for the first time... but from what Ed (and the joy I saw on his face when he told me)... they were beyond thrilled!!! I knew that Ed would do an amazing job, but it's nerve wracking until you get the final word...
When the guys saw me taking the photos... there were many waves and cheers!!!!
Ed was right behind in the beetle with the queen. Dave - wanting to be sure that our kiddos got plenty of candy kisses - stopped the parade to grab a big handful from the queen.
And then came the trucks. If ever I were told that boys grown into men.. I will assure you that it's not the case with a parade of firetrucks!!! Those men/boys want to be as loud as they possible can in those big red trucks... and if you can't stand the sound of sirens and air horns...t his is not the parade for you. Reagan was just a bit unsure at first, but once he saw the other kids were excited, he got into the grove...
I kept a careful eye on Danny.. (those sirens are really really loud) but he took it all in stride and watched both the trucks and the kids....
Looks like the last one Dan!!!!!
After the parade we hiked down to the field to watch the games. Abbie is so cute and when people started asking about Danny, she was the one who wanted to take the leash and walk him down. I know she likes the idea of Danny being Rylie's brother and I think that's the reason for another close connection..... (she looks so grown up in the photo!!!)
The field was busy.... good food, old friends, firetrucks.... and tradition all rolled into one. Our "kids" that we brought to this are now parents... bring their kids....
It doens't take Danny long to make himself right at home. Put him in the middle of anything and he is his happiest........
goofing around with Abbie.....
Reagan was thirlled to see Papa at the field... he didn't quite firgure out that Papa was driving the beetle in the parade..
Photo opt time.......
Reagan, Kass and Diana..(who next year will have her own little one at the muster!!!)These gals have been friends since they were babies..... there is just something wonderful about small town living......
After the parade, the firement games, it's off to the annual lobster bake and then home.... Protection II will be tucked away for another year.....

And on the ride back to the farm... Danny seems sad that it's all done...
for this year.....
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