One thing I have come to learn... it's wise to make plans, and even wiser to be flexible. And so it has turned out with this year's Thanksgiving. This is what we woke up to this morning. A house full of guest doggies (which I was planning on) and six or so inches of new snow... which I wasn't planning.
Poor Ed had a horrid ride home from work .. "they" had been predicting this snow for a few days.. and all of a sudden "everyone" needed their snow blowers. They were busy crazy at work.. and then he had to deliver a few of them on the ride home. Between the snow, hauling the big trailer and getting snowblowers on and off the trailer.. it was not a fun ride...
But he made it home, and we spent a quiet evening together. Plans for the family coming to the house for dinner were changed as well. Dad is home from the hospital but he's not feeling well at all. And with the snow... and everything else... we have decided to take Thanksgiving to Mom and Dads....
Livy however, and despite the snowballs.. is loving the snow....
So, before we could head out.... the drive had to be cleared....
and it looks more like Christmas, than Thanksgiving....I'm glad I got my "fall decorations" picked up before this snow arrived.....
And this is why we had been putting the littles out in the round pen. Miss Escapee.... Mocha. Found her wondering around, in search of grass when I went to the barn this morning. We're going to need to come up with better fencing, but that will now have to be a spring project.
I told the guinea hens that the coop will be a better place to be.... they didn't believe me.. but I think now, they're reconsidering their decision.....
Now, fortunately, I had planned on frying a turkey this year for Thanksgiving all along. But, since we had to move our feast... this worked out even better. And then.... we discovered that there were parts of town, including the neighborhood behind Mom's and Dad's that didn't have power!!!!! We never lost power at the farm... but there were many towns without it.... it was a heavy snow.
So, we packed up the cooker... Ed got it running, and we were able to cook a wonderful turkey, just the same.
Fortunately, (and un-fortunately) there was just a small group this year. Kass and Nate was with Nate's family.. Sadie and Jessie were with Jessie's family... Abi with her Dad, and Naomi with her Dad... so, that left Mom and Dad... Ed and I... Rachel and Rob.. and my friend Kathleen. I have to say I hate it when we aren't all together... but families change over the years, and I can either sulk or celebrate.And since Dad is home ... and we have the ones we have... I choose to celebrate.
Ed was the master chef.. and Rachel and I made sure that Mom didn't get stuck with a lot of work. It's been a long time with Dad being so sick..... and we wanted to make today, just a peaceful time to be together.
Everyone commented on how good that turkey smelled, and we wondered if the neighbors were a bit jealous being able to smell it....
I think Rob was scared to death of dropping that bird in the snow.
We had a nice meal. Not very fancy, and certainly on the quiet side... but just so thankful for the millions of blessings in our lives....
and the well earned (and traditional) naps after the meal.....
I made this wall hanging as Mom's Christmas gift. But since it is a Christmas thing.. decided that it might be more enjoyed as an early gift instead of opening it on Christmas itself.....
so, as I have said, a quiet, change of plans, enjoy it as it is Thanksgiving... but a happy one as well.....
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