So, I won't say that this Christmas season hasn't been "one bit normal" in our opinion. Dad is still in the hospital, he is improving, but the recovery road is going to be a long one. Ed and I had talked (last summer/fall) about trying to go to Arlington or even Williamsburg for a little trip away, but it never panned out, and then with Dad, it wouldn't have happened anyways. Disappointing, sure, but it's just the way things go. The thing is, we do have beautiful places right here at home.. places that people travel here to see...
and it makes me realized that sometimes, the things that are in your own back yard.. are the things you don't even see. We decided to spend an evening out, enjoying the things that are right here, and I have to say... it was quite wonderful.
It was a cold winter night, we bundled up... I had some shopping ideas that I wanted to see if I could tend to... and the city was just amazing as we walked threw. I loved seeing all the "windows" dressed for the holiday... and really loved this beautiful feather tree....
Portsmouth is an old historical city, and they have a number of events happening this time of year. Now, it wasn't Colonial Williamsburg, but Strawberry Banke looked just as charming.....candles in the windows, music playing... old time Santa greeting one and all
The city was all decked out, with both the modern....
and a taste of the "old"......
You could tour threw many of the houses, and they were decorated for their time... some along the Victorian age....
others more along the colonial age. The houses were warm and toasty and it was nice to step inside, and warm up in their charm. People were happy and kind (none of the usual holiday sneer...) and it just put everyone in that happy spirit that we so easily loose this time of year...
A new public skating rink has been opened for the winter. Everyone seems to be enjoying that.. and we enjoyed watching the skaters on the "pond"...
They even had carriage rides going threw the city. I would have loved to taken one, but the line of people waiting was long.. and really, I can do that at home. But it was nice to hear the horses walking threw and the happy sounds of the folks enjoying the ride....
"Thank you old city".. for a night "away".. (even if we didn't travel far) and I must remember to think about the things that are right here. Take the time to enjoy them more....
and yes, I did pick up some neat little Christmas gifts....
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