It's nice that Ed's (Papa's) birthday comes just a few weeks after the holiday. It's something to fun to look forward to after we have had all the excitement of Christmas and the New Year.... a reason to celebrate and, of course, to get everyone together.....
Ed prefers family "events".. so I opted with a nice lunch and a cake.. (a few gifts...) and that in itself was a great time....I just love seeing the kids and the grands gathered around the table....
Course the grands were far more excited about Papa's cake and the candles... though Reagan hates it when we sing the Happy Birthday song.... it makes him cry... so we decided to just sing it very softly (but that didn't help)... it's funny, just one of those little kid quirky things I guess....
A big event.... blowing the candles out!!!!!
And the cake met everyone's approval.....
Papa and the grands.... we just feel so very blessed to have some a wonderful family and these two.... are the apples of our eyes!!!!!
After such a fun afternoon, Papa got to do one of the things he likes best. Oh and the quilt.... the quilt that I have been working off and on for over the past 10 (yes ten!!!) years. Ed loves this quilt and continues to ask... "do you have it finished yet?" Being a queen sized quilt, hand quilting it, and that's in "all my spare" time... it is taking a long time to finish. I really just have (for it's size) just a small area to finish, and I am determined that it will be done before spring!!!! This spring!!!
The winter days are really here... the sun doesn't stay out long, the winds are cold.. but the house is always so nice and warm. These two... Darci and Mona... you hardly see them in the summer time, but come winter, they hardly leave the house. Guess you know where the warm spots on the floor are!!! Because if a dog isn't there, then a cat is.....
Morning sunshine coming threw the window of my sewing room....
One of the wonderful things I got for Christmas is a bread maker. I have been having a grand time making all sorts of home made bread. It's become a breakfast favorite... warm bread and jam... now that's the way to begin the day.....
I saw these "tracks" on the house roof the other day as I was coming home. I told Ed if it had been just a bit closer to Christmas... I would have been certain that Santa had been here....
Looks pretty convincing to me!!!!
And on a trip out of town, I always pass this beautiful barn. I thought their wreath with the ice hanging down just looked so pretty....
I also got in the mail this past week... this wonderful photo... "my" dear Debbie dog. This is her "official" graduation photo... she has been trained as a hearing dog, and is (right now) working with her new owner at neads. I can't wait to see her in the spring at the graduation.... this little dog will always have a very special spot in my heart.... I truly love(d) her ....
And it won't be much longer that Danny Boy will be leaving the farm and heading off for his advance training. I'm beginning to feel that many of the "stages in my life" are being marked by "what service puppy was I raising at the time"..... it's such a fun "project" and I feel so humbled that I get to do something as grand as this....
Livy too is coming along in her training... I have plans to begin her obedience show "career" next spring. She's a bright little girl, she's fun to work with and I expect that she'll have a good time in the ring with me....
The horses are doing well.... nice thick winter coats are doing their job.... and Tonka is just soaking up the sunshine...
Winter is plugging along....
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