What does on do.. the day after a blizzard.... with snow drifts that look like this.... Blizzard Juno turned out to be something for real (we often complain about the weathermen getting it wrong!!!) .. but all in all we weathered it well. We didn't loose power, and had planned for it, so other than keeping the driveway open, we hunkered down and waited.....
But now today.. it's clean up day... because there are predictions of more to come... and not just "regular more".. but "more more".. so it's best to move as much of this out of the way as we can. In some spots the snow is very deep...
but not so bad in other places. The wind just absolutely howled, and this being a "dry" snow... made it blow around very nicely.
I am just so grateful we have the equipment..... between the truck and the tractor... it takes time for sure, but it makes moving snow not so very bad... (well, for me.. I just hang around and watch Ed do all the plowing!!!)
Once things are good around the house, we head to the barn yard. It's important to keep all this open as well....
The guinea hens are in the coop, so I need to be able to get there...
and the horses have to get out, so we need some paths in the paddocks!!!!
and since we know the snow will come crashing off the barn roof at the first slight of warmer weather... the lean too has to be dug out. Besides, we had locked the horses in for the storm, so we need to be able to get their door open again...so glad we have these gates.. we just pop them open and move them, and Ed can get right in with the tractor.
And there we go... almost a full day of work, but everything is open and operating again....
until the next round!!!!!
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