This is just no way a weekend can't be grand when it begins like this!!!! My life long friend, Lory, was in the area visiting with family and was able to sneak out a few hours with me!!!! Lory and I go way back... way, way back... before kids... and even though she has moved far away, and we haven't seen each other in at least 10 years... we have always remained in touch and when we got together, we picked up our conversations as though we just had them yesterday. Lory and I were very much in the dog show world, two of my winning cockers --Frosty and Randi-- were from her kennel. It was very sad for me when she had to move away, but I am just so thrilled that life changes and many miles has not taken away a dear friend.....
Weather wise, it was a pretty yucky day and it rained a good amount. Which meant we got no work done on the back deck... but the day ended as fun as it began when we decided to meet up with the fam and have dinner our at the beach. The Goldenrod is always a fav.........
We grabbed Abi on our way down to the ocean... and as you can tell by this big smile... a night at the beach, a favorite place to eat... the promise of some time on the playground (and some candy).. now that's a summer night out with Baby and Papa!!!!
Reagan was all smiles as well......
Abi loves her "Krunkle" and Uncle Sean...... (they love to spoil her too)....
After supper, it was off to the playground as promised. Both of the grands love to go here... so many fun things to do. Reagan has gotten so brave since just the spring... there are two sets of "climbing set with slides" and the like, at first he stuck just to the small one, but now he has begun to tackle the bigger one. This is his new accomplishment... climbing the "bull dozer track" as he calls it.....
And this curly slide has be at least 15 feet high... he climbs right to the top and down he comes!!!!
Abi has a great time too, and is pretty good at keeping an eye on her little cousin.....
Papa and Kass (and grandbaby number three ---- which we can't see just yet).. but he/she is on the way and will be joining our family late in February!!!!!!
YUP.... we're going to be Baby and Papa again!!!!!
Then it was onto the beach for a little running around there...... with the tide out, there was plenty of room....
and even the coldest of oceans draw people in... we don't even bother saying "don't get wet"...
and this grand day ended with a few rounds of skee ball... I have to say, this is one of my favorite games to play. (and I'm pretty good at it).....
On Sunday, Joey and I headed back to the beach. Ed decided to stay on the farm, wanting to get some things done... but I went because this is Lee and Tom's week at the beach house, and our annual "neads puppy raiser's lobster bake"....
Joey loved the beach house and had the grandest time, just looking over the porch rail.
He's such a good boy, and it's hard to think that this will probably be our last big outing... Joey is heading back to neads at the end of the week.....I'm already sad thinking about him moving on, so this is a really special time with him and with good friends.....
It was a wonderful bake... we had the usuals, plus everyone brought something wonderful to share.... I am a sea food girl and I make sure that each summer, I have my fill.....
Not as big a group as we usually have, but great company and conversations just the same....
Bernice and Zuzu.....
I think the little house looks happy when people are enjoying it.....
and the view that everyone comes here for....
Joey and Zuzu, being good and enjoying the party....
And Atticus checks out Lee's little grandbaby.... it was such a fun afternoon, good food, good friends, and dogs... for me, it doesn't get any better....
A timber frame!!! Living in a timber frame house, (and having built a timber frame barn).. I don't think there is anything prettier... this sweet little barn is being built up near camp, and before it is covered over, I just had to get a shot of it. That's the "sad" thing about timber frames, all that pretty framing is covered and you can only see it from the inside.... I never get tired of looking inside my house!!!
Abi said she wants to go to NEADs with us when we take Joey back this coming week. She hasn't had as much time with him as she has had with some of the others, but she loves them all just the same.... someday she I hope she will be proud of the work I do with these dogs, but in the meantime, I sure do appreciate what she brings to these puppies...
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