Rory and Otis traveled with us. Rory is such a nice girl and she has been fun to have here on the farm. I actually think she is a bit "boring", because with all her training, I don't feel like I have much to offer to her. She seems to enjoy all the others that are here on the farm, and next week, she will be staying at Kathleen's for a taste of "in town living" and going to work... but overall... she's a nice steady girl....and I hope she is enjoying a bit of a break from the prison training that she has been doing....
When we arrived at NEADS, they were giving tours of the new client house that will be opening in just a few weeks. What a beautiful place, and the thought, details, and hours that have gone into will certainly be enjoyed by future clients coming to work with their dogs..... everything has been thought of... and the spaces that the clients will be able to enjoy are simply wonderful. This is the outside garden area.....
and the doors that lead to the garden, plus offer an amazing look of the garden from the inside...
The fountain was donated by a family in memory of their Mom.... I loved just standing there and listening to it..... I can imagine that it will be enjoyed by many....
The common room of the house will encourage the clients to spend time with each other when they are here. It's comfortable and bright and the fireplace will certainly be a spot for people to come together....the doors (to the left) are the ones that open into the garden...
The kitchen is large and has been designed to work for people with special needs. Everything is within reach... clients are encouraged to prepare their owns meals while they stay at Neads.... and we were told that classes often work together and share in the prep work of the meals...
All the bathrooms are equipped to assist those who may need it.....
And the new training room is also within the house. Gerry explained that it will be much easier for the clients - especially in the winter - to have the training room right there. They will no longer have to go outside and transfer from one building to another to do their work. Plus they are hoping that the clients will use the space in their down time to practice the lessons that they are learning with their new dogs...
There are also "public rooms" within the house, rooms that can be rented and used for conferences and the like. It's a clever idea, because it will invite the community to come and be a part of the Neads campus. This was a neat wall, all done by hand, that is in one of the conference rooms. Along with that , there is also a small apartment where the "host" will live so that there is someone on hand at all times in case they are needed.
Art work was still waiting to be hung, but I loved this picture. It was done by one of the in-mates that work with the Neads puppies. One thing for sure, they certainly have a gift for drawing....
And another picture done.. celebrating the relationship between the Worcester fire department and Neads.... Worcester has supported many a Neads puppy...
After our tour, it was picnic time.... I'm beginning to know a number of the other puppy raisers, and they all know us at the Maine full timers..... it was fun to see so many and to meet some new folks as well...
Sort of looks like a black lab convention!!!!
Kathy, Gerry's wife, is a huge volunteer with this event, and she makes the best pulled pork sandwiches ever!!!!
The day was perfect, sunny and not too hot!!! Looks like a party to me!!!
After all the good eats, Gerry made some presentations...... and thanked everyone for their time and service. I just consider this to be such an honor to raise these beautiful dogs....
But was so pleased to receive this certificate.... six years of puppy raising!!!! Nine (including Rory) puppies raised... with five of them now working dogs!!!! I never dreamed that this is something that I would ever be able to do....
the look on Rory's face...
it was great fun......
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