and even though we changed plans part way threw (and of course spent more money than planned).. it has to turned out to be better than I thought. I am so excited to have this patio where muddy dog feet will have some time to brush off before coming in the house. And I dare say, it will make such a difference when the snow arrives as well....
It's nice to hose off and keep clean, and I am happy with it already........
I made a run over to Deb's this week... got to see everyone at the shop and enjoy Deb's beautiful gardens. I would like to be a better "gardener"... but I suppose that takes time, and I don't seem to find that kind of time....
But, my main reason for going (other than the nice visit).. is to pick out the newest member of the family!!! Our little Henry!!! Deb had six kittens this past summer.. all of them orange.. and when I heard of it, I thought it might be nice to have an orange kitty again. I have had them in the past, and they seem to make the greatest cats. I asked Deb if she didn't find a home for them all, I would like one.. and so she saved one for me...
Reagan has had such fun with the kitties, and I asked which one he'd pick out for me... and thus.. "Henry" was the chosen one...
Abi came to spend the night and was delighted with our wee one. Because he has been handled so much, he isn't afraid of the kids and that makes him fun for everyone...
And kittens!!! kind of forgot how much trouble they can get into.. and this little boy is certainly the one. We have already had so much fun watching him!!!!
He'll one day be an indoor/outdoor kitten like the other cats, but for now, he's our little baby and we just love him so much....
Hunter and Trevor celebrated their 14th birthdays... and poor Trev... even on his birthday, I still say no when he stole the empty toilet paper roll. They are both in good health, but it's hard to think of them as the seniors in the house...... and I feel so blessed to get them this far..... I hope we have a few more birthdays with them.....
so.. we kept "Labor Day" true to form.. and we "labored"... with a cookout planned for the weekend, and next week, I have my women's fellowship group coming.. I (we) really wanted to get that deck done and truly useful... it's the last of the railings!!!!
I also found this nice lamp for the back door of the deck... Ed got that up for me and I am so pleased with the look of it. That will shine a nice light when the doggies are heading out....
It's been a very busy summer, our big projects took up much the time, and so this deck was huge. In someways, the work seem to go so slowly --- after all, it was first started on April 30th (NOT that I was keeping track or anything)... but, we were also working with materials that we had never used before, AND we did it all ourselves, between weather and summer plans...
so.. to see it really almost done.. and coming together, is so very exciting!!!!
It took the better part of the day... the railings were a bit tricky.. but, by Saturday night.... this is what we had!!!! and supper out on the deck to boot!!!
We bought the screen room last spring when we first started this project. I wasn't so sure that it would even go up this year... but with the family coming for the cookout, we were anxious to get it up.
Ed and I began to assemble it, but we were so glad when Kass and Nate arrived and Nate jumped right in to help us finish. It really was more of a three man job. It fits perfectly where I had hoped.. and now when it's buggy or too hot by the sun.. we have this amazing place to enjoy....
I will be right here .....................
Sunday afternoon we had such a nice cookout/celebration with the family...... it was a toss up to go to camp (because it was hot) or stay put and enjoy the new deck. We opted for the deck.....
And even though we are coming into the BEST part of the year, in my opinion.. it's kind of sad to see summer is nearly over. Where "it" "went" is beyond my thoughts... but it was a good one ..for sure.
Being a three day weekend.. that left Monday for another day of getting things done. After having the deck in good order, I was anxious to get the front walkway area finished up..... I had bought a few little plants (on sale mind you) and it was time to see about getting them settled into the planter....
Ed had gone to a garden center and bought some really good compost for this area. I think part of the weed troubles I had in the past, was partly due to "bad" dirt.. and I always felt like it was a battle to stay ahead. Then discouraged.. I gave up. But this time, I am hoping that I can have fun and do something fun with a small garden. Perhaps if I keep it in a manageable way... it would seem so discouraging....
I even managed to find the perfect spot for my garden cocker!!!! It's the first time "he" has had the proper place to live!!!
After all that, all that was left was to dress up the sides of the walkway and get some grass growing back there again. Ed also wanted to be certain that we had the proper grade on the land, so that the walk can shed the water.....
Thank goodness for his talent and that tractor!!! there should be grass growing in no time...
so our three day weekend was a working weekend for sure... but everything looks so very nice and I feel extremely blessed to have all of this. I am so humbled to "own" such a beautiful farm... and not a day goes by without my thinking this....
however, I have no idea why Mona is so tired... not like she did any of this work!!!
Happy Labor Day.. happy September!!!
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