It's the third weekend in August, which for me means only one thing... Field day weekend. And to be exact 100 years of "field day weekend"... as our fire station is celebrating it's centennial. This year, the celebration is being done in a different manner... but parts of it are just the same. Starting with the Red Shirts banquet that both my Dad and my Ed attended this evening.... Love seeing them dressed up
Instead of the parade and muster, the fire station is hosting an open house. The is being done, because the weekend of September 11.. the station is going to host the Maine state firefighters convention... so with all those plans being made... keeping the annual field day to a small scale on is practical. I'm glad they decided to do some events on this weekend, it just wouldn't be "summer" without field day. I met up with Reagan to head to the open house... he was dressed up and ready to go.
I brought Logan along... her time with me is getting short and it's also a good experience for her to be around "all of this". Reagan felt she needed a hat too... but it didn't fit her head very well.
It was a perfect day for field day. Finally some cooler weather, and though this photo looks rainy, it wasn't.. just some cloud cover which kept things cool. The station looked grand, and the turnout was great. Sadly, I think more came to an open house than attend the parade some years.
Ed brought Protection 2 down. She got a fine spot inside the station. A lot of people looked her over, and it was nice to see that they were so interested. Often they just see her pass by them in the parade, but sitting still people got a chance to really check her over. Ed said he answered a lot of questions about her and just how she used to work.
Reagan (and a whole lot of other kids) got to climb on the trucks and check out the inside of them. They also go to see (and try) the fire fighters equipment. This is such fun for the kids, but a huge education as well.
Who knows... there could come a day when these two ride the trucks for real... it's in their family with a great Grandfather as a fire fighter and a grand father as well...
Not so sure that Logan wishes to be a fire dog, but we had her try the truck as well.
I took advantage of the situation and just "showed" Logan all the things I could. She, of course, was cool about everything... including Luke all dressed up in a hazmat suit. Not to get off the subject here, but she's going to be a very good working dog.... she is so smart and steady, there will be a job for her to do for sure.
After the open house, there was the clambake. This is so nice because all of the families are invited and it's very child friendly. And there are beginning to be a lot of children. Reagan was thrilled to see his buddies there, and the fact that he was "free" to move about. The meal was as good as always.. but for me, you can't ever go wrong with lobster.
After dinner, there was an awards banquet... Ed received his 40 (!!!!) year pin!!! He was beyond thrilled.... 40 years of his time in the fire service... working in so many areas of being a fire fighter... to a truck drive/pump operator.. to asst. Chief and then Chief... it's a long and wonderful history
My Dad received his 60 year service pin!!! and even though his health isn't the greatest these day.. he keeps himself as active with he department as he can. My Dad too has worked his way threw the ranks... fire fighter, driver, officer and asst. Chief and Chief.....
There's just one other person in the department with more time than my Dad.. and that's Chuckie (Chris's dad).. he has 62 years of service. When you see these two men together, there is 122 years of service to the fire company......
What a great way to end the day... Chris, current fire chief and I think 46 years of service... my Ed... with 40 years of service and my Dad with 60 years of service... this sort of dedication is almost unheard of these days.
It was a fun fun day, but the big weekend is still to come in September and I am so looking forward to that.
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