a fall wedding....
This is not our lake, but we will be calling it home for the weekend!!!
It's Sean and Kelsey's wedding weekend, and Kass and Nate rented this little house by the lake to stay while we are here. Ed and I joined them in the little house, we could have traveled back and forth, but why not stay over when you can... so with the farm in Astrid's hands, we have a weekend away.
The weather is just grand.. but the wedding wasn't until the evening.. so a couple of little boys needed to be entertained until the time. Kass knew of this nice farm stand and pumpkin patch not too far away, so we headed there
Last year Reagan had a "thing" for pumpkins... we don't what it is exactly but he loved them. Kass said she bought so many pumpkins that she lost count... so we were all wondering if the same would be this year...
Just love old barns!!!
Anyways... it took Reagan all of two seconds to head to the pumpkins and we know for sure.. he is still in love with them. Kass sat Calvin down in the patch and Reagan began to talk all about pumpkins and what you do with them, and how you can eat them... etc etc.. to his little brother. The photo is cute enough but the conversation was way better...
Calvin seem to take it all in.... oh my, I can almost see next year if Kass ends up with two little pumpkin loving boys... she might be better off to grow her own patch!!!
As the day went on, it began to get cool... the house has a gas fireplace and was that fun to keep going... fortunately we all knew it was an outdoor wedding and I think we were all prepared... the wedding will be fun, but leaving this cozy place will be hard...
Reagan had the honors of "ring bearer"... he was so excited about all of this. And so cute all dressed up...
There is some (slight) worry that he'll carry out his duties, but actually.. who cares....
The place of the wedding is very important to both Sean and Kelsey... turns out they were growing up together in the same place and yet didn't know. There are two lakes that are side by side.. one lake is where the Flaggs have a camp and the other lake is where Kelsey's family have a camp. So each summer they were there but never knew until they met later in life... one of those funny life stories I guess.
We arrived at the wedding spot a bit early, so Mommy and Reagan did one last practice run... or walk... it's really all about getting him to walk down the isle...
And just a little bit later... here he comes!!!
Success!!! and perfectly done!!!
Kelsey made a beautiful bride, and Sean was smiling ear to ear... the wedding ceremony was perfect for them. Sean's Uncle John over saw it.. and it was made for them. Funny, light hearted, serious.... I thought it was just great.
The reception was just as nice. Held under a big tent, excellent food, dancing... parties ..they're a great couple and I just know they will have a great life together....
No wedding car to decorate, but a boat... so perfect....
And very best wishes to a great couple.... many happy wishes for a long and wonderful life together....
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