This weekend is off to a GREAT start.... we have Abi spending the night!!!! I am so happy and excited to have her here, especially since this was an expected sleepover... But, I have to say, from the moment she walked threw the door... one little brown dog was over the moon with joy... Livy loves her kids...
The Great Pumpkin was on the other night.. and with this new fangled TV we have the ability to record it. We also have it on DVD but Ed hit the record button... so, we had it "on file" and with Abi here.. nothing better than watching it. I remember 7 years ago, when she was just days old.. (and recorded here in this blog).. she sat with me and we watched.. well.. I watched.. the Great Pumpkin for the very first time. I hope we will watch it many times over in the years ahead... it's still a wonderful little show and for me... brings in so many wonderful memories...
Saturday morning, there was lots to do.. I have to wonder are there projects that always need to be done on a farm?? or because we live on a farm, do we always find projects that can be done.... who knows what the answer is, and I guess it doesn't matter.. because there are projects that need attention. Abi was happy to get out on her bike and speed up and down the drive between the house and barn.
My project was getting the barn straighten out. Lucky, our boarding horse has left... and with her and all her things gone, there seems to be so much room in the barn. The wagonette has been sitting in the ally, but I now have a good place to tuck it away and yet still get to it. It was also a good time to sort threw not needed things and get them out of here. I don't like clutter or useless things laying about and I'm a great one for sorting threw and letting it go.
Ed's project was to put lights up in Denise's barn. We had been hoping to get this done long ago, but not being a pressing matter - especially in the summer and long days - it got put back time and time again. However, with the days getting shorter, the need for lights is back again.. and it's a good time to get this project off the list.
So, while he puttered out there, I puttered around the big barn... got this space cleared..
And both the wagonette and Mocha's cart fit in nice and neat, and yet, not blocked, so the can be pulled out and used at anytime
Ed had a plan for the lighting, including an outside light that comes on with motion... this is going to be so handy...
A light over each stall will make this little building nice and bright, and he even put in plugs so Denise can go to electric buckets in the winter and won't have to deal with frozen ones..
Honey and Quimby were very interested in the going ons.....
Probably thinking they could help in some way or another
Henry.... likes to think he's a barn cat... except when it's dark outside or too cold... silly boy
We almost couldn't wait for it to get dark and see how things really looked... and they looked perfect. Denise was so thrilled to come and find this done and everything up and working just fine.....
Little brown dog wanted her Daddy to know that he did good work today....
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