therapy dog testing day
Every two years, Livy and I need to re-certify our Pet Partners therapy dog certificate. We don't run out until June of this year, but I heard of a test being given not too far from home. Since we have to get it done sometime this spring, we opted to go to today's testing. On top of being tested, we were also asked to be the "distractor" dog for the others who will also be testing that day. When I asked Livy if she were ready to go... this is the answer I got....
I guess it's... "have bowl will travel"....
There were seven teams that came to be tested. Livy and I were the first (since we were needed for the rest of them)... Livy did well, and passed, though she wasn't as serious about it as I would have liked. She can be rather silly at times, and today decided that being silly would be fun. She did everything she should and needed, but it wasn't as precise as I would have liked. But everyone laughed and thought she was cute, so... what's the trouble with that. Six of the teams, including Livy did pass, one team did not, and I'm not sure if they didn't understand how high the standards are, or if the dog was off (really off), but the moment they came threw the door, you just knew they wouldn't cut it.
I felt bad for the owner, you could tell they really wanted to pass... and the elevator did everything he could to help them, but really the dog was not in control. It worried me a little when it was time for Livy and I to step out and play distractor dog, because truthfully Livy doesn't put up with foolishness from other dogs, and I didn't need her telling this dog off. She was good, and I could see her giving that dog the evil eye, but she held it together. I hope they can get some training help and improve on that dog's skills.... all dogs have the skills, but they need to be brought out...
All the other doggies did well... most of them were recertifying like Livy and I... but it doesn't mean anything, a dog can already have its certification, have a bad test and fail. Which is why is it wise to give yourself plenty of time to do your testing...
but, my favorite team to watch was Brenda and her dog. Brenda's dog is actually her service dog too, and I had wondered how it would be with a duel purpose. There were no fears there... in cape, the dog was all business, all service dog... ready at a moments notice to do as Brenda needed. But, once she took her cape off, she became all therapy dog... greeting people, wagging her tail.. getting everyone to smile.
Brenda is an amazing person, and I learn a lot from people like her. She likes to take her dog into the rehab where she has been to cheer people up who are in the same sort of situation that she is in. I can only imagine the thoughts of the folks when they see Brenda, her service dog and wheelchair arrive.... and how she adds smiles and encouragement to their day. The work that Livy and I do just seems so easy compared to what Brenda does... but each person, each dog has a gift... and not using the gift is where the wrong is....
There are so many wonderful venues for therapy dogs these days... that anyone who wishes to do it, can have a place to go and "work"... from the way the other handlers were talking there is alway a need for more therapy dogs.
So, the little brown dog and I continue our work as a reader dog team... she loves the kids (as do I) and I feel we're doing our own bit of good in the world... and.... we're good to go for another two years!!!!!
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