Sunday, July 02, 2017


It's the 4th of July weekend once again. And I am happily looking forward to having the time with family, friends, and GRANDS!!! It's time to be at the lake, to slow down from a very busy June and take the time to simply enjoy the life and the gifts that I have been blessed with. 
We have made it so the "big" camp is open once again for the use of the family. Kass, Nate and grands have moved into the camp for the long weekend... Abi is here, and Sadie and Jessie will be joining later on. Cookout is planned, and the kids have the chance to run free and enjoy being outside and together. 
Of course, swimming is the main source of "entertainment" and this year little Calvin joins the group. Abi is a great little swimmer and Reagan is learning and getting braver each time he has the chance to go in. 
Calvin has his own little "mini boat/float" and is so happy to be with the big kids in the lake. 
Next year, there will be another grand to the bunch, but it's the three right now... 

Since the 4th came on a Tuesday this year, it was decided that a weekend cookout would work best for everyone. So, we invited friend and family to join us on Sunday and have fun...

the Brady family did my Mom, sisters, the Flagg family and various dogs!!!!
A new addition to camp is a sand box!! Ed and Nate built the base at the farm and than trucked it over to camp.. along with a truck load of sand. Building the box was the easy part, the sand had to be "hand carried" to the box. But once it was done.. the boys were so happy to be able to get their trucks out and play.
Even the doggies liked hanging out there... Amy is checking out little baby Luke. 
It was nice that this kept the boys happy and for the most part in once place.. so the adults could enjoy a little "sit time". One thing with little ones.. "sitting" is usually not something that can be done. 

Shadow puppy seems to enjoy all the activities that went on at camp too. He wasn't much of a water dog, but he liked hanging out with the kids....

Another fun thing about camp.. is the simple things are still fun to do.. like a good old fashion water balloon fight. And of course, fires and smores .... a must...
and sometimes, even active little boys are OK with a bit of down time. 
One of the days, we even headed over to Wolfeboro for lunch and a bit of shopping ..
We went to our favorite little restaurant and had lunch right beside the lake.... 

and even though photo opts are not a fav of the grands... they do them because I ask.... (one day, they may appreciate their silly "baby" and her camera!!!)

And the reward for the photos... a stop at the candy shop. That's what today is all about.. doing all the things that you don't "normally" do or "allow"... Cal certainly enjoyed his first big boy lollipop!!!!
Back at camp.. the day finished off with a bit of fishing. No one got a bite, but what does that really matter????

The morning of the (actual) 4th began with the lake's annual boat parade. This is always fun to watch and I believe there were even more boats than in the previous years. 
We got our coffee and went down on the dock to watch and wave hello.....

Well.. some of us watched and waved hello.. others.... took the opportunity to go swimming (again). This little "fish" of ours... she is in that water as much as possible... she pops out for a bite to eat, warm up a little and she's back in again. She has spent hours!!! in that lake... and it just pleases me so much to see them enjoying the water as much as their parents did, and as much as Ed and I did (do)

We are down in the doggie numbers this year, it's been a long time since I have brought just a few dogs to camp. Trevor, Tazzy, Livy and Shadow were the ones this year... poor old Trev actually stayed inside most of the time.. he no longer hears and can't see well.. but he knew where he was, and I found him happily sleeping when I checked on him. Little Tazz is so stiff and sore from her age.. but she stills gets around, much slower and doesn't care to swim anymore. She always wanted to be down on the dock with us and outside when we went out.. but I suspect when we get back to the farm.. she's going to be pooped out for a few days. 
And those menfolk... they never seem to be able to sit still for long. The front bank of the camps have really become overgrown with all sorts of brush and just stuff... so Ed and Nate got to work and did a lot of trimming back and cleaning up. It made a huge difference and the camps are beginning to look like they used to. 

Each day, Reagan got a bit braver with the water. And has even begun "jumping" off the dock to get in. Like Abi, it won't be too long before he's doing cannonballs off the end...
The big boys from next door... Dom and Robbie popped over and swam for a while.
We have watched these boys grow up on the lake and it seems sort of odd (neat) to see them now as the big boys and our guys are the little ones. Was a time where Kass and Sadie were the "big" kids and Rob and Dom were the little ones, but the times have changed... and who knows... one day Reagan and Cal will be the big boys for someone else. Reagan thinks Dom is pretty cool and really enjoys hanging out with him....

By the end of the weekend.. fun had become tiring.. especially for one little chap. Poor Cal, his whole schedule has been thrown off by all this camp stuff...
and as good things usually do... it all comes to an end. The weekend went by way too fast, and it was time to pack up and head for home. But July is off to a very wonderful start and I for one, so appreciate all these very special times together. 
And Shadow puppy will hopefully remember some of his days with us too... 

We'll squeeze in as many camp weekends as possible, but here in the north.. summer is way too short!!!!!

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