A "lighted" midway....

Beautiful quilts (and various other hand made items)....

Sweet cows (who would rather be home in their own barns!!!)
Must be Acton Fair.
We went over to it last night with friends, Lisa and Chris.... did all the "usual" fair things.... looked at cows, horses, chickens, rabbits..... walked thru the 4H barns of quilts, knitted items, and garden things.... and ATE all that "wonderful" fair food!!!! It was a perfect late summer night.
My square in the the "fair quilt" received a third place ribbon... my little knitted hat took a first, and my horse picture... didn't get anything!!! I am already thinking about next year's fair and hope to get a couple of things done over the winter to be judged .....
Well, at least you've got "some-things"!
I was on vacation, so I couldn't have read any news...yet.
We saw your photo, but missed the other stuff...
Congratulations on your fair ribbon! I always look for your handwork when I go, and am really sad that I had to miss it this year.
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