As I sit here in Maine, in a very empty house, and yes, even feeling a little sorry for myself, I have to remember that Kas and Nate are saying their goodbyes as well. This picture comes via Ed's cell phone ( technology) and tonite, Nate got together with his Marine brothers to bid farewell. I can only imagine what this is really like.... these "boys" have been thru so much together and you can truly call them "a family". I guess it's the way with the corps... Marines move in all sorts of directions, some ... like Nate... chose to continue with their own lives, others chose to stay and more than likely are shipped to other places, and the changes continue all the time. But for the "boys" I am certain they never forget. From the outside looking in, I think that the Marines have been a wonderful experience for Kas and Nate overall... sure, the deployments were tough, and yes, it's an extremely dangerous job...but for a young couple starting out in life... the Marines were very good to the both of them... they got the opportunity to "live alone" those first few years of marriage, and time to "figure it out" by themselves. They met amazing people along the way and have certainly made life long friends. They got the opportunity to live in another part of the country (and in Nate's case.. other parts of the world) and I feel they now have a good sense of where they want to be and what they would like to accomplish in their lives. Big lessons for two people who are merely 23 years old. Of course, as one of the Mom's, "we" are thrilled to have our children back in "our own yards".... and are very excited for the years ahead.... but for now, and tonite.... it is bittersweet.......
Since Dad was in the air force, we've been moving around a lot, and I was the last one born before he retired. (katelyn was born aound his retirement.)
So, it's a good thing that we have someone to gaurd us, and keep us safe. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
Well said! My honey was in the Marines and still keeps in contact with some of them. Lifelong friendships are forged by the experience. It will always be something Nate can look back on with pride and accomplishment.
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